Chapter One// Christmas Don't Be Late

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Hey beautiful! I imagined myself saying that in Brad Mondo's voice. Anyways....i hope you all like this chapter!!! This chapter has little Charlie. I dont know why but thinking of him being such a small boy gets me so happy haha

Chapter One// Christmas Don't Be Late

       The year was 1974. The only thing that Charlie wanted was to look into the window at the little antique store. His big hazel eyes were wide and full of wonder as he put his hands up on the glass. He was trying to see past the "Happy X-mas" sign painted on the window. 

He was fascinated with what was inside as it was a guitar. It was huge. Probably to big for his almost ten year old body but he could always try! He wanted to do so many things. 

His mama called it being to imaginative. Though what would she know, she was an old lady...

He was shopping with his bigger brother as they still needed to get her a proper Christmas gift. Unfortunately they couldn't find a good gift since her taste was really particular. 

"Come on Char. Stay away from the glass they don't want to clean them each day now do they?" he went down to his level and took him away, "I know. We can go to the candy store? How about make it my treat?"

Charlie's eyes perked up a little as he heard the word candy, "What about Now and Laters?"

"Whatever you want, bud." He smiled as he took his younger brother's hand and they started walking down the street. 

"Hey Phil," Charlie was swaying their hands together as he looked up at his brother, "how come you're so big and I am so small?"

"What do you mean?" Phil guided him across the street as he walked with him. He made his brother go up on the sidewalk carefully as they shouldn't slip on the ice. 

"I mean I am nine and I am so much smaller than you. You're like an adult and I am down here, how come?"

Phil sighed. He shouldn't be giving this type of talk to his brother at such a young age, "well because I wasn't blessed with my best friend until I was past your age that's why."

He rubbed at his brother's hair and that made Charlie giggle once more as they started walking again. His brother got him so well. Being so far apart in distance didn't mean anything when it came down to their friendship. His brother actually got him so well. 

They never had arguments or it was said. There was that time that Phil broke his brother's leg by accident when they were wrestling but Charlie was a little baby then. It was by accident, right? Mama didn't like that was for sure. She yelled at Phil until there was slamming of a door. 

It wasn't about him was it? Did Charlie do something wrong?

His toy cars were keeping him company for so long until one day Phil had bags and was staying with them again. He went to a camp of sort. Charlie missed him like crazy even ran to his brother when he did come home and he hugged him so much until Charlie got picked him up and spun his body around. Charlie's leg was fine and yet Mama still acted like that act wasn't okay. That playing wasn't okay. 

It wouldn't do any harm. He learned from it. To carefully play with Charlie. 

Charlie looked up at his brother again. It really was him and Phil against the world. 

They went into the candy store and Charlie went straight to the Now and Laters. He grabbed a handful and then went to the counter. He threw them up and said, "then it's whatever he is getting."

The cashier chuckled at this and then peared down, "alright. Phil," he looked up at him, "when are we all gonna see ya on tour again?"

Charlie went to the magazine section and thrummed his hands to the sections. 

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