Chapter Ten//Positively 4th Street

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Another day another chapter into this book. I hope you all like it!! Tommrow is a face claim to Bob so today is the last day to get those ideas in before I pick my (understudy) lol

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Chapter Ten// Positively 4th Street

       It wasn't until Patrick's sophomore year where he knew writing was his passion. He was going to go into the medical field like one of his relatives but his path found him when he spent his free time writing and doing reviews for music. He would write the reviews in a sketch notebook, however he always had his typewriter in front of him. He would spend his awake hours until the late hour of four am writing novels. 

He told his grandpa that writing was going to be the choice he was going to make. Whether he liked it or not...his grandfather gave him more respect ever since that day. You should always find your ambitions and dreams relevelant. It should matter to others as much as it matters to you. 

When he graduated high school he got the bigger picture. It was his first concert officially as a photographer for his college class and he was excited. The opening act killed the stage and he felt as if he was a part of a backyard session at their house. Only the cool kids were allowed though. 

He became the number one journalist for the college and the close second photographer. He was adored by the nerds and worshipped by the sports teams because they were beggars. Patrick never covered sports though. He always had a calling to be at a concert and document each memory, each feeling, and smell that was happening around him. He was enthralled maybe even obsessed with the nature of it all. It started with small concerts then just small stadiums. 

This project though was what will make him. It would give him a household name as the best article author of his time. Patrick will be a legacy at the Rolling Stone Magazine just like his boss before him. He will be the guy on the other side of the desk in less than thirty years and god damn it...he deserved it. 

It doesn't take much to live a carefree life around rockstars but to take your work seriously is another hassle. Patrick barely had a few words written down before tossing them in the garbage. 

He felt like if Charlie was in front of him he could gather the words he could find. Charlie was easy to talk to. It wasn't only that....

He knew what it was like to build a name for yourself. Charlie was in the process after all. He wanted to be adored by many girls, guys, grandmas, you name it. Both of them wanted to be adored by many for their words written. 

So of course Charlie understood where Patrick was coming from. It was hard to be under pressure. 

But to be in front of a crowd and to be in the crowd was different. The aurora was different. The smells and the noises was different. 

The crowd was roaring as the countdown began and the opening act came on. Welcome the Five Evenings! the banner read. 

The five members stood in the dark until one by one the lights came on. "Are you ready now?" Mike said in a low husky voice and it was followed by screams. 


Bruce shredded the first solo as he hit hard on the plates and drums. He let it go and looked at Mike. 


Nat smiled as he started to throw some beats down and swayed along with a small rhythm. He looked at Mike too. 

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