Chapter Four// Paint It Black

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This chapter is dedicated to jtbassett they are writing a Ricky Bowen fanfic I am obessed with reading right now and I don't even really like hsmtm (or however you do the abbreviated form of it! Haha)

Chapter Four// Paint It Black

Why won't you help us? I mean you said that you can play and you know every song. Why not give it shot?" The guy that Charlie assumed was the drummer.

Charlie looked from the stage to the crowd and then back to the band. He thought about it one secon licked his lips and then said,"okay I'll do it but if I mess up you guys made me do it."

Charlie gave in fully now but stated, "I- I don't even have my guitar though."

"That's alright," the guy with the brace on his hand said, "you can use mine it is a Les Paul and I never let anyone use my Les Paul."

Charlie put it in his hands, looked at the guys then back at the guitar. This is much better than the one that he had. The other one that he has is an old guitar. He put the strap over his shoulder and then grab the pic that was on the neck he then started to do chords for them.

Vince sat back on the stage then said, "okay give us what you got big shot."

Charlie closed his eyes and then started to play fully.

"I see a red door and I want it painted black," as he was singing the song he couldn't help but noticing that each one of them had a awestruck look to their face.

They all thought that he was amazing. Beyond that, they all thought he was great. Almost the best....

When he finished the last chord he put the pick back on the neck and looked at the guys then sat there not saying anything for one second and then Vince replied crossing his arms, "damn that was good how about we make it our opener."

"Should I have more practice? I mean I just played one song for you!"

"And that was more then I even asked for. You're good come on. There's only one thousand people here the other day I played for twenty thousand."

Charlie nodded and then scuffed his hair little. He breathed in. The other four gentleman went on the stage first.

"Hello Albuquerque this is the 5 Evenings and there's only four of us but not tonight sorry! Mike ruined his hand... stinkin Mike! So today we have us a very special guest! Please can y'all help me have ap special welcome to Charlie Gillispie!"

Charlie walked on the stage and he looked at all the crowd. He took a deep breath and then went to the microphone.

"Hey hope you all don't mind if I tag along with these guys for a while! I was actually about to be their roadie and then suddenly here I am up on the stage with them. Hope you guys like what we have in store for you!"

Vince went to the microphone and said,"alright you guys this first song is actually a cover! Painted black by The Rolling Stones! Charlie played this to us about a few minutes ago when I say that I am not joking! He literally played for the first time in front of us minutes ago!"

The crowd went up in laughter and when they started playing the song everyone was dancing. Charlie wasn't even singing he was playing the chords in the lead guitar. Every once in a while the crowd would sway and turn their eyes to Charlie. The whole entire crowd would be clapping.

After that song Charlie looked and saw Susan in the third row the lead guitarist looked at Charlie and then smiled big.

"You have a crush on her don't you? Who was she?"

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