Chapter Seventeen// Barracuda

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I AM OVERWHELMED WITH HAPPINESS.  I CAN"T THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT. This book hit my goal. I even forgot my goal because it was honestly a joke but now I want to make more of them. 

Please if you haven't already. Share, comment, and enjoy!! Please. At the end of this story I better know all of your favorite eighties songs and show them. I made a playlist that I am only a quarter of the way through and it already is five hours long. Like holy shit that is long!!

Chapter Seventeen//Barrcuda 

Memories of what happens on the road could be good or could be bad. But for Patrick Boone he couldn't help but wonder if  every tour was like this. When he aboard the huge project, his first one, to be exact. he didn't know it was going to be this hard or challenging to be professional. These guys and this group was lovable in their own nature. In their own terms and conditions they were normal but for an outsider perspective he thought they were all weird and unforgettably themselves. 

There was Mike who was clumsy and would fall out of his chair or seat every so often. There was Bruce who danced around with the guys and rocked out but didn't talk much at the same time. There was Nat who had those beady eyes if you looked into them long enough. Then there were the girls. Each one was beautiful in their own way. Margot with her charisma. Lori with her long hair and hippie structure. Tonia with her dance moves and flirtatious smile that you couldn't but blush at if she looked at you at all. 

Then there was Charlie. The genuine artist who knew so much but made it seem like he hardly knew anything. 

They way to LA was long and full of many songs but Patrick didn't care. It was fun to be around a huge group of people that got music just as much as he got it....but in a completely different way. It was hard to understand. To Patrick music was his profession. He had to know everything about it or he got fired. But for this group he has grown to love to music. 

When they finally made it to LA the atmosphere changed to being sleepy and singing songs forcefully suddenly changed to a party and rock show in their own bus. Patrick even joined in as Charlie was dancing to a Lionel Richie song and acting as if he was drunk with sunglasses hanging a little above the tip of his nose and he had his shirt on barely. Dancing from one end to the other, Charlie was fearless. Patrick envied that as he sat there admiring Tonia from afar. Tonia was smiling a little at him. 

Patrick would gaze down at the paper he was writing something one. He needed a rough draft of ideas to tell his boss and he didn't want to give up easily as one, two, three. He wasn't going to sleep until he had a good rough draft sent through fax. Could he even find a fax machine? Probably somewhere. He just didn't know where yet. 

Charlie sat down at the booth and then looked at Patrick who was gazing over at Tonia again. Charlie smiled big and he bit his lip. He took the paper away from Patrick and then gawked at him for a second, "I am not giving this back to you until you talk to her."

"What?" Patrick asked and then tried to reach over the booth to get the paper. To fail though as Charlie sat the paper next to him. "Come on man I have to do this. I need a good draft of ideas, like today."

"That can wait. Love can't," Charlie leaned forward and licked his lips slightly, "okay listen I am terrible with girls. In fact there are some awkward moments I'd rather not talk about but there are moments I remember from movies where the guy always should make the first move. Do you think men get their first girlfriend by just sitting there?"

"How do you know I have never had a girlfriend?" Patrick asked as he frowned a little but then saw that Tonia was looking away from him and to Mike. Mike didn't deserve her attention. He was a big flirt and wouldn't know how soft to treat a girl. "Is it really that obvious?"

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