Prologue// Everyday I Write the Book

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Just letting everyone know this isn't like most fanfictions....yes this will be a Charlie fanfiction but this won't be set in j&tp world or some details are way off because i don't know Charlie Gillispie personally. (Trust me if I did I probably would die from to much serotonin) Anywho I am excited to start this book!!

Prologue// Everday I write the book

"Sometimes it's all about their demeanor on stage. Sometimes it doesn't matter even how they act but by just their voices blending.... Or it's all about the singer.

His hands wrapped around the mike as he dances with it. His longer curly hair as he yells in the mike, "Sing!"

That's what it is. That's when the reality hits you like a freight train and you can't help but scream yourself because they are indeed the best band in your opinion. You feel the energy and you feel the lyrics pour out of your soul.."

Patrick Boone sat impatiently across from Mr. Crooker at his desk, his arms cross over his chest and left foot tapping nervously on the tile floor. Mr. Crooker was flipping through Patrick's latest article for improvement. The old man seemed enthralled by his story about the speaker blaring the music and how everyone was hogging the room. Most importantly how he was being convince that the man next to him was tripping on acid saying 'that's how the band goes'. Whatever that meant.

Ah yes, leave it to the rooky to make a bold move for his first single article ever since climbing aboard The Rolling Stone magazine team.

"Well?" Patrick spoke up a few minutes later, leaning forward in his seat.

Mr. Crooker looked up at him over the brims of his glasses, smiling, "Another spectacular story."

He tossed the papers down on the table in front of Patrick. A satisfied grin plastered itself on Patrick's face as he settled back, stretching his hands behind his head, "You're too nice to me, Mark."

His boss chuckled as he doubled clicked his keys, the typewriter slowly arousing from it's nap, "I'm thinking you need another article," he said, "a real article this time."

Patrick furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought the ones you already gave me are pretty real."

"Not so much, Patrick," Mr. Crooker shook his head as he pulled out his file, "you see normally I don't do this type of assignments to my beginners on the field. Why haven't you been to my office more often with this type of stuff again?"

"Because Fetcher wouldn't let me," Patrick responded, "I'm just now going on the team slowly and he swears I don't deserve it yet."

"Eh. That's another problem I have with my assistant. He is such a prick," Mr. Crooker tsk'd, "he doesn't pay attention to the talent among his colleges especially if they are newcomers. So, with that being said, I'm going to give you a real job anyways. Wanna write a piece about something that's not so short lived and maybe longer than that?"

His question caught him off guard. Usually he's restricted to writing about concerts not tours or anything. He's never written about a band itself but the concert, "I'm listening," he said slowly.

"I could probably be able to hook you up with a band. You, know, a real band," Mr. Crooker continued. He typed something on the pad but Patrick couldn't see what it was from the angle, "have you heard of The Five Evenings?"

He turned to Patrick and put the glasses on the table. Patrick focused on his words and he tried to remember something that reminded him of them, "The five evenings?" he asked questionably.

"Its a four piece band. Obviously. Kind of ironic since there are only four of them, "Mr. Crooker explained, "You've never heard of them?"

"I can't say I have," Patrick shook his head, though he was suddenly intrigued. He looked at the last magazine on them and he thrummed through the pages. A lot of the pictures were in black and white. That made Patrick really interested because that usually meant that the author was older than this day and age of 1984. In 1984 you never used that type of camera and if you did they were old Polaroids. "who are they, truly? Just a four piece band?" Patrick asked.

"They are famous or have been famous in Australia. They are just now making their way here," the boss answered, "they haven't been around for to long. Supposedly only a few years. Haven't you heard of their song Wild truck? Or Thin White Lie?"

"Thin white lie huh?" Patrick asked, scrunching his nose like he didn't hear him correctly, "I've never heard of their band to begin with."

"Gosh Patrick," Mr. Crooker sighed, shaking his head, "You've been to college for music and haven't heard of them. How long have you liked rock music again?"

Patrick sat back and frowned once he realized what Mr. Crooker was hinting at, "....about four or five years," he said quietly.

"And you still don't know about one of the greatest and most talked about bands out now?" the boss continued, "that's it. You are definitely going on this mission job, now."

"So you want me to write a piece about a band?" Patrick asked, making air quotes with the word band, "come on, Mark. You really want me to do this. What if I only make speculations about them?"

"Oh, you won't Patrick," Mr. Crooker retorted, folding his arms over his chest, "you don't believe in yourself enough."

"Not really, no," Patrick said truthfully, his hands playing around with the magazine once more, "I mean, I really do but I am new to this industry and I think it's a huge deal that can't be taken lightly."

"Wow. I never would've assumed that about someone like you. Well, I guess I was the same once. Always doubtful of myself, "his boss trailed off as his eyes flickered toward out of the window, "until I actually took a tour with a band of course."

"You've toured with a band?" Patrick asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.

"Oh yes. Many years ago, "Mr Crooker nodded, " I didn't believe it would help me discover anything about myself either. But the band usually offers so much insights and on the weekends we would kick it at some hotel with girls. Weird things happened."

"Like what?"

"Well that's for you to figure out," the boss chuckled, "go on just one tour with this band and it'll change that for you."

Patrick was very interested in the idea of this but he was just afraid however about something and he didn't know what it was.

"I'll take the job," Patrick said after thinking about it.

Little does he know a different fellow was about to go on tour with the band too. 

I am super excited to start this in full motion. Its been sitting here for months...this idea I have!!

As I said before I don't own Charlie at all (duh we all do want to but can't) Although I do own the rights to the character of Patrick and the band he is about to tour with! 

Have fun reading guys/gals/fantoms!!! Hope you all have a great time whenever this book finds you xoxo H

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