Chapter Six//D'yer Maker

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This chapter is dedicated to _Liamssmile they have exams and still wants to read the book!! I can't do this with all of your guys' support!! I am forever grateful for the platform where we all can publish stories and support one another! It makes being in this fandom the best thing ever.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter and you are gonna love who plays Margot!! The face reveal is coming tommrow (Thanksgiving!!)

Chapter Six// D'yer Maker

      It was eleven o'clock already and Margot Road paced back and forth in the hotel room.

"So what you're saying is that Mike's hand is broken and he can't play now?" She sat at the desk table chair and then looked at the other two girls.

"Well no and yes," one of them replied to the question as she dug into her Chinese package.

"How could you eat in a time like this, Lori!" Margot, long curly hair and bright blue eyes, grabbed the container and chucked it into the waste bin, "our whole summer is at stake and you are finding time to eat it away as if nothing is happening!"

Margot threw her hands up in the air and got back up again.

"Listen Margot you're being dramatic they are still touring," the other girl replied and got her make up kit out, "they have a new guitarist with them and Mike is still with them."

Margot's eyes get big, "really? Who is he, she, they?"

"Some dude named Charlie. I don't know but apparently he is really good because he's touring with them the whole entire summer."

"Michael is such a dumb ass I swear," Margot crossed her arms, "If it wasn't for the fact that I promised you girls I would not retire just yet... I would fire him."

"But you didn't retire and you're still here," Lori pointed out.

"Though I am so... I'm just letting you guys know what the ropes are. How to handle things when it comes down to the guys because they can be very emotional wrecks if things get out of hand."

"Weren't you just saying you were going to retire? Maybe this is a good sign! Maybe this Charlie guy is gonna be your new Vince."

Margot sat down again and then sighed," I want this summer to be different than all of the other summers.I want the summer to be memorable and full of life. Last summer was kind of a bust."

"Why? The 5 Evening's wasn't even really known," the other girl that sat right next to Lori said, "they were a really small band from a very small area. When they came to the states they became bigger what more can you say for them? This is their year!"

Just that second they hear the big bus pull up to the hotel entrance. They all squealed, took their valuables, and ran to the elevator.

Margot was trying to act as calm as possible. However when you meet the band again for the first time in one year; it's hard to stay as calm and collected as she could.

They got down to the lobby and they saw Nat who was the drummer enter the hotel and go to the front desk.

He turned toward the girl's way and instantly yelled, "holiday road! How's it going?"

Margot walked to Nat and gave him a big hug, "not too bad, Nat. I did hear that you guys have a new guitarist?"

"If you call it that. He's touring with us the entire summer and might get himself a different label. Where did where did- you hear it you heard it from?"

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