Chapter Seven//Dancing in the Dark

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How was everyone's Thanksgiving?!? What did you do? Mine was super fun and relaxing. So relaxing this is actually going to be the only update today! Enjoy it!!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!! It is a small chapter with lots of dialogue but when you come back to this chapter you'll understand its a key component!!

Seven// Dancing in the Dark

    There was always luck with chance. Always the littlest thing that means the most to people. Most of everyone it is compliments but for Patrick Boone it was to be in front of his typewriter. He would have been sitting in front of it all day long if he could.

The only bad part of having to write is also interviews. Patrick was pretty shy for the most part and he just didn't really want to interview all the guys in general but he had to in order to get to know them.

With Nat being interviewed and Mike being interviewed all that was left was Vince and the bass guy. The bass guy didn't really talk that much but Patrick had to talk to all of them anyways. He walked to the room that Mike and Vince was sharing and knocked on it.

"Go away!" he heard Vince yell.

He noticed that all of the maids were going in the rooms anyway. He knocked on it loudly and said, "it's Patrick. Can I come by another time or is this a good time for you guys?"

Mike opened the door slightly, "hey there buddy how's it going?"

"Is it just me or is he really ignoring me?"

"You know I don't really think he likes to be questioned by anybody but it's better than actually being ignored."

Patrick put his tongue in the brim of his mouth and then clicked it for a second," right so he just doesn't want me to interview him..... got it."

"I'm sure if you actually catch him at a good time you can. Its just right now it is not....a good time."

"When would be a good time for me to sit down and talk to him. It is only going to be a simple conversation."

Mike put his hand on top of the door frame,"you know I actually don't really know that. Come to think of it he never really has a good time."

"Go away!" Vince yelled again.

Patrick looked over Mike's shoulder and saw Vince sitting on the bed trying to put on his skinny jeans.

"Because he looks so busy," Patrick joked and Mike looked the way he was glancing at.

"Yeah he sometimes doesn't get those things on until ten minutes before the show."

Mike went past him and Vince got up yet raised his eyebrows and then smiled back at Patrick who waved. He shut the door on him and said, "go away
now please."

Patrick took the 'do not disturb sign' and flipped it over. He looked both ways to make sure that no one saw and then he walked outside of the hallway.

Patrick never really liked to be disrespected in many ways. He wanted to be liked by everyone but he also wanted to like everyone at the same time. He didn't like it whenever he did interview people and they were rude. He would always find a way to just get back the at them anyway.

It was going to be hard to interview Vince but what could be harder than being a journalist with his first job? A guy who was bullied in school and a guy who at first didn't know that he was so fascinated with a camera lense as well.

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