Chapter Three//Don't Talk to Strangers

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This chapter is dedicated  to diisturbia they have some awesome fanfictions of J&TP and I only wish to be as creative, talented, and in synced with my craft like that!! 

Chapter Three// Don't Talk to Strangers

There were three rules Mama always wanted Charlie to obey.  These rules meant a lot to Mama and with that she really wanted him to listen to her and to obey to them as she was his mother.

Now sometimes teenagers don't ever listen but Charlie tried his best. Tried his best to give what his Mama wanted.

The first rule was always listen to your Mama because "mothers know best".

Even when he was being disrespectful out of spite of her rules. Charlie did try to listen to her and because of that there were different rules on top of that rule that he had tend to for her. One consisted of his curfew was ten o'clock. While most people or teenagers his age it was midnight Charlie tried his best not to go to parties that was anything past ten because when he got home he would be chewed out by his mother.

The second rule was always give thanks for food and your life. Mama was a really big Christian gal and she raised Charlie in that type of environment. She never pushed herself on that to him but he obliged just because he did like the quality and the commitment to Christ. Although sometimes he did not really obey the 10 commandments which included something in the lines of don't drink or to not be drunken. Charlie did drink whenever he felt like it but he wasn't becoming an alcoholic like what Mamma will be coming.

However just because she wasn't listening to the rule doesn't mean that he can't too. He did obey the rules just because he respected her.

And the golden and final rule that Mamma had put on Charlie was don't talk to any strangers. It should be the golden rule of life and common sense but Charlie decided to give this a try. He really wanted to tour with a band and live a life.  Not as much as Phil wanted but he just wanted a life and that consisted of being happy with his guitar.

When he got home he forgot that he did break one of those rules. He had to tell Mama right away. When he was about to go into his room to gather any thoughts of telling her she was already there.

"Hello Charles how are you today?" Mama had one hand on her hip and Charlie knew something was up. When he looked on the desk there was his old box of vinyls. He was almost flabbergasted.

"Oh I-I'm okay, Mama. How are you? I actually just got a job at the record store!" he exclaimed with a big grin on his face, trying to hide the fact that he knew that he did mess up.

"Charles, how many times do I have to tell you this music is the devil's music! Why are you listening to it?"

Charlie looked down," I really want to play rock music Mama and to do that I need to know the other players. I know every band  and every song of that band. Just because you don't like the music doesn't mean it's the devil's music. Some music is like poetry and it's brilliant and it's VIBRANT. It creates my happiness don't you want that?"

"Oh baby, I want you to be happy as much as you can. But you need to realize-"

"Mothers know best... I know I know but Mamma I know for a fact I need music and I need this to work out. I can't stand this being cooped up in this house all day. Not having anything to do besides clean or do my homework. I'm a teenager, let me live a little."

"You wanna live a little?! You're sounding just like Philip! Sounded just like him before he left us, Charlie! He left us stranded when he was old enough to have a job and he was old enough to help around and with you.... He fed you these lies! He fed you this music and I am sick of it!"

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