Chapter Fifteen//Princes of the Universe

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I wrote this in forty minutes so please don't judge I just finally got motivation to write after a few days. I hope you enjoy this chapter y'all

Chapter Fifteen// Princes of The Universe

There is a lot to be afraid about when you are a young person.  There is a lot of pressure in someone's mind when they are simply a teenager but when you are teenager doing things that not most teenagers even dare to ask about is another. Charlie had a mindset of a teenager so how could he had known how to handle this situation at all. Mike went into the living room one moment and then the next there he was at the top of the rooftop threatening him. Charlie didn't know how to react to many things but this is one of those things that he was afraid he might get wrong. 

Charlie wouldn't be the first to really admit he was wrong but at the same time he had good insights on some things. He wouldn't just say something if it was the wrong thing. That was the thing, though. He didn't say anything to Mike to get him up there all by himself and to jump off a two story building into a rock hard swimming pool. He didn't see if he hit the bottom but when Charlie did get to the edge he saw Mike didn't get up for air yet. All the people surrounded the area like it was corpse underneath. 

Charlie took off his shirt and he shook his head. He didn't believe what Mike did. He just could have stayed rocking out with him but no...he had to be selfish and jump off the building. He didn't care if he was okay or if he would be okay..In mike's mind he wanted that little taste of being the only person someone care about and his intentions were in the wrong place. Charlie took off his shoes quickly while everyone stood around. He hated the fact that he really was going to be the only one wanting to jump in and see if the guy was alright. Charlie took off his socks next and without hesitation he jumped into the pool. He swam slowly to the bottom which he was really surprised about. He wasn't a great swimmer. But you could say desperate times called for desperate measures and saving his friend was a desperate measure. 

He swam closer to the bottom and he saw Mike in the small sight of his vision. He took out his arms in front of him and then reached Mike. Mike had his eyes closed and he looked like he was breathing yet. Charlie took his arms in his grasp and put them around his own. He started to try to drag him up as he was almost running out of air for himself. His legs gained more pressure as he pulled up and swam more quickly. He reached the surface and he coughed a little as he jerked back down little. He bobbed his head back up and then he saw someone was bending down to the pool. He helped Mike up to the person and then he coughed a little more. Charlie then got up the ladder and then dragged himself up more. 

A woman reached down to him, "do you need help?"

Charlie breathed hard and then yelled, "no help him!"

Charlie watched as someone told him him they were a CPR trainer. The person knelt down to Mike and then ripped open Mike's shirt a little. They started the chest compression first and then breathed into their mouth. Charlie got up from his spot on the ground and then watched Mike. Mike laid their motionless and he looked like dealfish out of the water. Charlie was just hoping that he would come through though. He couldn't imagine this tour without Mike. Mike, sure was an asshole but if it wasn't for him to be one and breaking his hand, Charlie wouldn't have been there in the first place. Mike was the head start of Charlie's career without Charlie even knowing it. He did a lot for him even if the bond didn't start fully until today. He never had those bonds with anyone else but when Mike and him hangout he only knew it was fate that Charlie was here in the first place. He couldn't have done this without him. 

Charlie put his hand over his mouth and he took it away. He didn't know what to say if Mike wasn't going to pull through. He didn't know what to do much less what to say. It would be another person dying in his grasp and him not knowing what to do, say, or how to help fully. Charlie looked away from the scene and then he turned away fully. he started to dry heave another cough and his vision was becoming blurry as he saw a big man with the big blue eyes was walking ahead of him. Charlie started to shake his head. he started to walk toward him. Maybe it was just an illusion. He has been seeing things this whole trip to LA. He saw and heard things so maybe this wasn't Bob. However when Charlie finally regained his vision back he saw it was indeed Bob. He continued to shake his head as Bob started to pass him and went to Mike. Mike laid there the fourth round of compressions was being done. Bob knelt down to with the guy and then looked very concern, "what the hell happened to him? I need this guy performing in several hours and this is the way he is treated?"

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