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Banner found Tony easily he was in the common room helping put decorations up for Christmas.

They did a Christmas party every year. knowing that this is probably the first Christmas party Loki has ever gone to. Tony wanted to make it special for him.

Tony looked over at Banner but he was on a ladder so he finished hanging the last of the lights. Tony jumped down and Steve just shakes his head "Tony be careful" Steve said "I was being careful" Tony replied as he walked to Banner.

"You have that look what's wrong" Tony asked. He hasn't slept since the X-Men help saved Peter. That was all on accident to the Avengers barely knew the Xmen at the time.

"Its Loki... He has suppressed every thing." Banner explained Tony looked a bit more worried. He used to do that it didn't get him Any were if anything it made him remember it all more vividly and it hurt him a lot more then helped.

"I need you to come with me and try and keep him calm while I run the last test" Banner continued. Tony nods "hey guys ill be back Brucey bear needs help" Tony explained to the rest of the team he got a few okays in response.

The two make it down to the med wing to see Nat sitting in the room with Loki.The red head and the god having a nice conversation. Nat was talking about her and Banner how there hole relationship started.

Banner hearing the Russian talk about the time Banner had fallen on her and the only thing she said was "don't tern green." Banners face goes bright red. Tony and Loki both chuckle at it.

"Hey Rock of Ages how ya feeling" Tony asked walking over to Loki and Nat Banner following. "I feel ok, Anthony when was the last time you slept"

Loki noticed that dark bags under Tonys eyes instenly it wasn't hard he hasn't slept in a little over a week. Natasha kisses Banner befor leaving the Med wing so the Siencebros can work.

"Ummm.....about a week.why?" Tony said "you look like shit." Loki just put that out there straight up. Tony was shocked not at the fact Loki was brutally honest but the fact that he used MORTAL slang.

Banner chuckles a little as he wipes the part of his arm that the needle with go in to. Loki looks down at his arm for a moment befor tony got his attention again "hey Loki my eyes are up here" Tony says jokingly he had repeated something that a lot of women have said to him. It seemed to work Loki made eye contact and now that Loki does make eye contact with Tony he realises that that was the first time he had made any eye contact with anyone since the Attack.

Tony notices instantly that Loki's eyes were a beautiful green and not the blue color that they were during the attack. He had noticed that his eyes were green but it took this for that realisation to click. "Are you ok T-Anthony" Loki says he almost said Tony again.

"Yea I'm fine just realised something it fine thought" Tony said with a smile Banner was almost done at this point but he had also realised something that Tony and Loki hadn't yet.

They both liked each Other. Banner could tell by there eyes dialating as they look at eachother.

They keep there little conversation of Loki trying to convince Tony to sleep he got Tony to agree to go to Sleep. But only if Loki took a nap with him. It sounds weird but Tony can't sleep unless there is someone with him because of his nightmares.

Loki finds that about Tony cute. Banner finished up quickly and went to run the blood through the thing that checks it. (I know nothing about doctoring so ummm Idk)

Loki was fine just a bit tired. Loki layed in the med wing for about another hour befor banner let him leave. 

Tony walked with him to the elevator "hey Raindear" Tony looked at him Loki turns to look at him as Well. "What is it Anthony?" Loki asked "Thor he hasn't gotten back to us yet what if something happened to him...do you think you could...ummm...go back to Asgard with us to help find him if he doesn't send a letter in the next week?" Tony asked he was hesitant to ask.

He didn't want to seem like he wanted Loki to go back to Asgard...he didn't want Loki to leave him. It was odd for Tony to feel this way about someone.

"I-I am not sure"Loki answered he genuinely looked worried for his brother. That was a first.

Tony nods understanding that. The two get to the common room it was all Christmassy and festive.

The Christmas party was in a few hours they have been busy with the peter problem they had. But the show must go on.

"What is this Anthony?" Loki asked as he stepped out of the elevator "well it's decorations for a Christmas party." Tony explained "we throw one every year" Tony continues. Loki smiled at the cute tradition the Avengers had.

They were all close like a family something Loki wasn't really used to. Looking back he wasnt ever really apart of a family. He was always distant from everyone else. He would sit in the library of the garden reading. Or he was being forced in to a party for Thor or his father or just a dinner.

He hated it he always felt odd aroumd them all his family Loki and Odinnever got along. Loki never knew why unroll he learned of his heritage. And from there everything got colder.

Loki blanked out for a moment Tony then taped his shoulder it was just starting to get dark out side and there was something that Tony wanted to show Loki. "Hey we are going to go on a walk. Do you think you all can handle the last of the decorations with out me." Natasha nodes "we should be good" Nat smiles knowing what Tony was planning.

Befor banner came to get Tony

Tony pov-

I was putting up the lights on the ceiling around the wall when an idea struck me. "Hey Nat do you think it would be a good idea to take Loki out in to the city yet if banner lets him leave the med wing?" I asked know that she probably had a good opinion on the matter.

"He could use the fresh air"Nat said witch was true the only time he left the tower was when he saved me and when he helped save Peter. Both very stressful situations. "I was thinking of taking him on a walk to see the lights...but I wasn't sure if it would be ok"

"He should be fine just try and keep the public on the down low around him. It probably wouldn't be good if the public saw him as a threat." Natasha explained and I nodded then Banner walked in.

Back to normal time

Loki looked at Tony confused "go bundle up its cold out" Tony says as he puts a jacket over his shoulders. "O-ok? I don't understand why we would leave the tower" Loki said "it will be fun" Nat said looking at him.

At this point they all trust him. They all know that he isnt the man he was when they met him. He was scared and could barely use his magic.

"Yea just trust me Kay Raindear Games" Loki nods with a slight smile on his face.

Hey Mary Christmas (I know I'm late lol) love you all and next chapter will be out soon it will be holiday themed for the next few maybe Idk how long tho

Love you all


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