20: spider and the snake pt2 + a talk with Tony

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Smut warning (at the end) not Peter and Loki

3rd pov

Loki sat on the floor with Tony's hoddie in hand. He was covering part of his face with it. Peter was sitting in front of him.

"Hey mr.loki. I just got a new lego set and was going to show mr.stark but he isn't here right now. Do you want to come look at it. Well its not done yet but I was so excited to show Mr.stark that I came looking for him first. Hahaha." Peter was rambling a little he seemed to understand the situation.

Loki was confused he didn't know what a lego set was. But Anthonys boy seemed to really like them so loki nods. Despite his panic that is still very much so present. Peter stood up and offered a hand to loki in which loki took and stood up with peters assistants.

"S-so what is a Lego set?" Loki asked quietly. Peter looked shocked.

"Well Mr.Loki you see it a bunch of little blocks that you put together that make things. Like the Death star form starwars or the one im building now is the Avengers tower. And you can get little people that you can pose." Peter explained leading Loki to his room. It was on the same floor as Tony's room Peter was only 15 after all so Tony wanted him as close as possible with out hovering.

When they got there. There was a box in the middle of the room. It was opened and a bunch of small bags that were clear and had small blocks in them. On the outside of the box was a picture of the Avengers tower but a bit more blocky. And there was an instruction manual.

Loki followed Peter to the middle of the room and sat down with him. Peter started to ramble and show Loki how these blocks stuck together. And Loki could feel himself relax while he sat amd listened to the kid. Loki smiled a little to. He was bonding with Starks kid amd that made him feel a little better about everything going on right now.

Peter continued to ramble and he had loki help him put the blocks together. It didn't take them long despite how large the structure was. But the both of them working on it they made quick work of it. And then Peter was showing him the other Lego structures that he has made.

"And this one me and my friend Ned put together. Its the death star from starwars." Peter said "what's starwars?" Loki asked he was actually invested in what the kid was saying and it was absolutely adorable to see him get all excited amd explain the plot of the movie series while not giving away to many big details just incase loki wanted to watch the movies. He then proceeded to tell loki that he would watch them with him and that he had all of then on DVD and downloaded to his computer that he had built with Mr.starj out of a bunch of broken car parts and a few other things go Peter found outside or scraps that Tony didn't need for something very in his lab.

Loki couldn't help but laugh a little as Peter tried over his feet walking to his closet to grab a figure he had gotten for his last birthday from Captain Roger's who he had called Brooklyn for some reson that Loki doesn't bother to question. Thinking that it was some inside joke of sorts or references to something that he did a while ago.

They both then hear a knock at the door to which Peter picks him self up from were he to was laughing on the ground. When Peter opened the door he saw Mr.Stark "hi Mr.stark me and Mr.loki were just hanging out talking about starwars and things and I want to show you this lego replica of the tower." Peter said all of that in one breath and was left panting slightly by the end.

Tony laughed slightly. "Well let's see it."Tony says walking in to the room. It was slightly messy but and organized mess a lot like Tony's lab desks.

Peter showed Tony the tower and they talked about it for a moment. More of Tony correcting everything the Lego had gotten wrong about it.

After a few minutes Tony then said "well I have to talk to Loki about something. Oh and we are having a movie night tomorrow and its your turn to pick the movie Underroows." Tony said and Peter nodded in understanding before he hugged Tony
He was hesitant to hug him back but he does. Then Peter turns to Loki and hugs him "bye Mr.loki. ill see you later."he says with a smile. Loki was a bit confused but he does hug Peter back befor he pick Tony's hoddie off the ground and left with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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