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This is going to be ome of the very few don't in Tonys pov.

Tony pov

I fell asleep in my room in the stark tower. I slept until 2am be for I woke up in cold swet from a nightmare. I sit there for a moment be for going down to my lab.

I sit there for a moment in my lab I was tired there was no doubt about it but I couldn't sleep after that dream. These would happen on occasion. I would have a dream about Afghanistan and wouldnt be able to sleep for a day or two.

I work on my new suit that can survive in harsher climates. After A while I look over at the clock and it reads 6:30 it was the time I normally woke up.

"Jarvis."I say befor continuing " pull up security in Lo's room" and Jarvis does he was still asleep so I walk back up the stars to the kitchen.

I make me a coffee and some waffles for breakfast. It was 7:00 when I finished making all of the waffles.

I hear foot steps from behind me and I turn around to see Loki he looks better he had a towel over his head as he dryes his hair. He looks normal better then yesterday.

Loki pov

I had taken a shower be for I walk down stairs I don't have the wraps on my chest of arms on but any that I needed on my legs I had put on. I was shirt less because I didnt want to put a shirt on over the wounds just to have to take it off to put the wraps back on.

I look over a Anthony to see him staring at me. All I do is smile as I walk over "what's for braekfast Anthony?" I ask as a normal question and it seems to bring thr mortal out of his daze "waffles. Do you want some" he asks as he graves a plate for himself and sips his coffee.

"Yes I would love some waffles." I say with a smile waffles are my favorite. And my smile wasnt the crazy smile I would normally give off it was a soft genuine smile one I haven't shown since befor I found out I was adopted. And I would only ever show it to my mother.

He grabs another plate and puts two waffles on it," what do you want on it?" The man of Iron asks "just some butter" and Tony puts some butter on it and hands it to me. It hurt to move my arm and take the plate but I did any way. I sit down on the couch.

I eat my food and Tony walks in to the room. He looked tired. But I didnt look any better to be honest.

"Anthony are you alright" I ask looking dead in to his hazel eyes. He looked tiredly back in mine "yea I'm fine. But are you?" He asked looking at my arms.

I had them covered over most of my hands but my fingers were still visible or well most of them. They had started to turn blue and I was getting colder.

"That is normal don't question it. And don't change the subject. What is wrong I can tell." I had cut him off it was kinda normal but not in a way I hated it it made me feel like them a monster.

"That isnt normal but you aren't normal so it makes since" Tony says trying to stall I just look at him and he just sighs "fine ill tell you...I-I had a bad dream it really was nothing." Tony says he dosmt look the same without his beauty sleep.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask he just shakes his head no "you should take a nap you really don't look that good."I speak truthfully he didnt but neither did I.

He sits down next to me and he drinks the rest of his coffee. We sat there watching Avatar and soon Tony dose pass out.

I hear a knock on the door. I thought at first that it was just my idiotic brother. So I walked up to the door and opened it to see Steve Rogers. I look confused and he looks equally as confused.

He glasses over to see the the top of Anthony's head he was asleep. from what Cap could see he looked kinda dead. This was a nightmare. He pined me to the wall "What did you do to Tony!?" He said in an angry tone.

"I didn't do anything" I say but he didnt believe me he looks over at Tony for a simple second then back at me pushing me harder agents the wall ."LIES!" he yells at me."if you don't think so then go check for your self I didnt do anything!!" I yell back at him he calls for back up on the coms.

Before he ties me up. He walks to see if Tony was in fact ok. I am surprised that he hadn't woken up at all the yelling. Steve was having Jarvis scan him to make sure he was ok.

Be for the scan was completely done the widow of black and Hawkeye show up coming in through the window. Natasha grabs my arms I don't struggle I see no point. Tony would wake up in a few moments and put an end to the whole ordeal.

Jarvis said "Sir Tony is perfectly fine. He is just sleeping" and its at this point that Steve starts to walk up to me again that Tony wakes up. It was perfect timing.

"What is going on here?" Tony says in a tired voice.


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