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Fandral was laying on Lokis bed with Loki on his chest. Fandral was laying there awake it was almost noon.

Tony was starting to get worried. Tony walks up to lokis room and walks in after asking Friday is Loki was asleep.

Tony walks in to see a man he had never met laying with loki. An unconscious loki at that.

Tony's repulsers form from his bracelets around his wrists. They charge up and Fandral's shield moves to his hands. Just as the blast goes off.

Loki flinched as he heard it hit the shield. Fandral carefully layed loki down next to him as he then stood up sword coming to hand.

The Averages alarm goes off as the two lock in a fight. Loki was still sitting in the bed still trying to wake up.  He was confused to say the least.

As loki realized what was happening he panicked slightly. "S-stop" he said barely above a whisper. Fandral halted in his tracks putting his sword away. But Tony who hadn't heard loki holds his repulsers up at him again.

Loki telaports behind Tony wrapping his arms around him so he couldn't do anything. "Anthony please" he said with slight tears in his eyes and still only a whisper.

By this time the other Averages come in to the room. They all are ready for a fight. Thor sees Fandral and hugs his friend leaving all of the other Averages confused.

Loki still with his arms around Tony as Tony began to relax realizing that this man was going to hurt Loki.

Loki was still shirtless and the wrap around his arm from last night was visible.

Tony seems to see this and he turns around to his loki. "Are you ok reindeer games?" Tony asked worried that Fandral had hurt him after all.

"I'm alright Anthony." Loki explained as he let's go of Tony. "Um. So who is this?" Steve asked looking at Thor. "This is Fandral a friend from Asgard" Thor explains.

Loki stands there and trys to hide his arm even though he knows that Tony already saw it. And it is likely the others had to. He telleports a shirt on.

"How did you even get here?" Tony asked still a little annoyed "magic. Literally" Fandral explained like it was obvious which it kinda was.

Thor realized this and so Tony can cool off and so can Fandral said "my friend how about we go and catch up?" And with that all of the Averages left and so did Fandral and Thor.

That leaves Tony and loki together alone. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Tony says grabbing lokis hand. The hand on the arm he had cut. This silently hints to the fact that he definitely knew about the cuts.

"Dashing didn't hurt me. He never could, he had sworn to protect me at any cost." Loki explained as he leans in to Tony. He was tired more so then normal. This is possibly because of the blood loss.

Tony put one arm around lokis waist supporting his weight his other hand still linked with lokis.

Loki pov:

I was leaning in to Tony. I didnt feel the best. I was tired my arm hurt my head was killing me and so was my stomach.

Anthony was holding me up and i was thankful for that I would have fallen if it weren't for him.

I could feel myself be lifted off the ground and carried somewhere to far to have been to my bed. But as I looked up I wasn't with Anthony.

I was in the city outside. Everything was on fire. It wasn't hot this time I could breath fine even though there was so much smoke. I looked around trying to focuse on the real world.

Then it all goes black I could still feel me being moved around. I could tell that every moment I made here I made in the real world.

I tried not to move so much I didn't want to scare Anthony. I then see him. It was Thanos it was clear as day. He was there he was still in my head.

I panicked I tried to back up push myself away from Anthony so I could get away from Thanos.

I feel my self fall I hit the ground but scrable ti push myself as far away as possible. My back then hit a wall pretty hard to. It winded me for a moment.

"You can't get away from me my little pet." Thanos said to me walking closer. I  had forgotten were I actually was and yelled " ANTHONY?! FANDRAL?! SOMEONE?! HEL-" I couldn't finish talking as Thanos grabbed my throat.

I couldn't feel it i could still physically breath. But seeing it made it so hard to breath that I couldn't talk. Then everything got super bright and then pitch black befor my eyes could focus.

He wasn't there though. I couldn't feel anything it was all numb I couldn't thing. I couldn't feel my body. It was like I was floating. Everything felt good. Felt so good.

Tony pov:

I picked loki up to carry him to my room. My blasts kinda destroyed his bed and he needed to sleep.

I could feel him relaxed in to me. He feel asleep of thats what I thought had happened.

His breath was steady he was calm his eyes were closed. But the he opened his eyes and sat his head up.

He looked around confused and concerned. He then jumped slightly he didn't talk though. That was kinda weird. This hole situation was weird.

I keep carrying him to my room in hopes that the slight rocking of me carrying him would calm him or snap him out of whatever was happening.

I had a thought that it could be a PTSD flash back. Loki then freaked out entirely and pushed himself out of my arms and fell to the floor befor I could catch him or stop him. This small fall caused his ingered wrist to bleed again.

He backed himself into the wall hard enough to wind him. He then yells "ANTHONY?! FANDRAL?! SOMEONE?! HEL-" he was cut off and he couldn't breath.

But just as this happens Banner runs in to the hall infront of my room. He gives him some sedative that he would probably give to himself to keep him from Hulking out.

Loki was out in about a second. Bruce turns to me. "What was that about?"he asked genuinely concerned. "I don't know" I explain the whole situation and he nodded.

"Take him to medBay when he wakes up. Then have Friday get me. I'll look over him then ask him what happend and from there we should be able to fix it. Hopefully." He added the last part sounding unsure about if the both of us could do any thing about it.

I nodded and picked loki back up. Bruce walks away with the syringe in hand so he can properly dispose of it.

I take loki to my room amd sit down with loki in my arms he was sitting on my lap. I held him close to me and he let a small moan out.

At first I thought it was of pain but then he did it again and I realized really quickly that it was not the case. That was a moan of pleasure. I hadn't done anything and he hadn't moved yet.

So I didn't know what was causing it.

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