7:after getting home Medical treatment and Panic attacks

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The Avengers were all chilling in the common room other then Tony,Steve,and Peter. They were all in the med wing Peter was really fucked up. And Loki had passed out after using to much magic and was cut up a bit.

Tony sat next to peter "what do you think happens to the kid?" Steve asked. "I...I have no clue. But I swear if anyone hurts him again they wont know what hit them!" Tony said with a new coldness to his voice.

They could hear a soft cough from Loki who was still unconscious. Tony walks over to him and sits him up slightly. As Loki dose start to wake up.

"Hey Raindear games. How ya feeling" Tony asked keying go of Loki so he could sit on his own. "I'm fine Anthony.Is the boy alright?" Loki asked a followup question. "He should be fine in a few days with his quick healing" Tony answers.

"So dose anything hurt? And Steve go get Dr.Banner." Tony continues and Steve walks out of the room to get Bruse. "Like I said I'm Fine Anthony. And why do you Need Dr.Banner?" Loki says "so he can look over ya" Tony says in a matter of fact tone.

Loki sits up a bit straighter and winced slightly and grabed his side that had a fairly deep cut on it. "Careful" Tony warned as he lightly graves Loki to add support if he needed it.

"And you said you were fine. Jackass" Tony said slightly mumbling the last part. "Hey I heard that!" Loki said in a sharp but playful tone and he lightly snaked Tony's arm.

Banner and Steve walk back in but Loki and Tony dont seem to notice so for a moment the two stay quiet to see what the god and mechanic were doing and,d going to do.

"And whatcha ganna do about it?" Tony asked Loki. "Well I could turn you in to a goat or a frog."Loki said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

Tony smiled at how much Loki had gotten better in the passed about 4 weeks of being in the tower. But then the realisation of they haven't heard from Thor in a while. He was told that he would fix the Asgard problem in two to three weeks and id not by then he would wright a letter of text Tony but he hasn't yet. Tony's smile fadded slightly at the thought of something happening to point break.

"What is the matter Anthony?" Loki asked he sounded genuinely concerned. "Oh its nothing. I just remembered a seen from a movie I watched a while back." Tony lied straight throw his teeth.

To the god of lies I repeat Tony Lied to the god of LIES.

And I thought he was supposed to be a genius. (Lol wtf is this).

Loki chuckles at the billionaire. "What ever you say T-Anthony" Loki face flushed slightly as he had just barely cought himself almost calling Tony by Tony. He had never done that befor and didnt know of Tony wanted him to.

"Aww cute. So how are you two love birds" Banner finally spoke up. Loki looked confused at the and looked around as if looking for an actual bird. Tonys face went bright red and he chuckles nurvesly and at Lol I'd reaction to the statement that was made about the two of them.

How were not anything more then friends to Tonys unliking thought but still nothing more then Friends.

"What dose he mean by that there appears to be no birds here?" Loki asked confused looking to Tony and he could barely make any eye contact or even really look at Loki for that matter.

"That downy matter right now I will let him explain later but for now how are you feeling?"Banner asked with a chuckle at how adoruble Loki was.

You know when he isn't distorting New York.

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