12:A message in a dream

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(I should have clarified Thor and Lokis  mother is dead she died in front of Lokis cell as if Odin had sent the dark elves there to hurt Loki he didn't but it felt that way to loki)

Loki pov 


I was sitting in my cell. I wasn't messed up to bad mentally. Physically I couldn't even sit up I was dizzy and hurts all-over.  I was leaning up agenst the wall in front of the hall window door thing.

I was reading a book like I always have to kill the time until the guards wanted to play there little game with me.

But then a fight broke out I could hear it but it wasn't in the Dungeness yet. Then my mother came running down she was coming to get me they needed my help.

She tried to open the door to get me out but then....I tried to yell for her but my cell was sound proff I could hear outside but no noice inside could get out.

She thought I was yelling at her for letting father do this to me. I tried to tell her to look out. But It was to late.

I sword found its place in her chest I screamed so loud for help that you could hear my voice faintly out side of the cell.

I knew that even if a healer could hear me she was dead in an instant. The dark elf that stood there and smiled. I broke.

Thor came to my cell to check on me to see me siting behind the barrier crying I was unable to save my mother. Thor opened the door and came in and hugged me.

He cried in to my shoulder as I did his. This was the first time in a long time I let my brother hug me. And I thought It would be the last.

It was a week later I had fished my books all more then once the only reason I ever got new ones or any at all was Because of mother.

And she was gone and ot was my fault. Thor was angry and sad and had no idea what he was doing. He made in storm for so long.

The guards came back and the torture was worse because I was responsible for
For her death.

I believed it to.

They would say that I was a useless Fag a whore. And many other things.

Then father started coming down to my cell and would watch as the guards played there game with me. He would make remarks like.

You wanted to be a king well you can with this audited and you no king just a whore and the one that shaterd me every time he said it.

"You are just a monster. Just like your people. You know back when you were younger and didn't know you were always fascinated with the war.and how I killed them. Well this is what happened to you kind. You are just another monster who should have been killed maybe you could even do it yourself " Odin would say.

The guards would time everything with the thunder and the lighting so it was like my brother himself was doing it.

Then everything was black like I was in a dark intarigation room only one lamp. And someone sitting in front of me. She was a dark elf. The dark elf that lead the attack.

She then says "I will take you apart and make you submit fully to me. You will lose everything I will burn it all to the ground kill every last one of your 'friends' that are on there to pity you."

"No you won't my friends are strong and they don't pity me. They care that is different" I said then I realized that I was tied down to a chair.

Then all I could feel all-over my body was pain all of the pain from everything that thought guards did all a the same time. I let out a loud scream of pain and panic.

I didn't know what was going on I didn't know it was a dream.

Tony pov

I heard loki scream i had just woke up a few minutes ago maybe a half an hour ago. I left the room to get a glass of water then I was going to go back to my room were me a loki were sleeping after I had carried the God there.

His fever had only lasted for about an hour and was probably caused by the panic attack. Or what ever he was dreaming about it felt so real to him that it caused a physical effect.

But back to the point. Loki let put a scream and it was scary I have only ever heard him yell at people to KEEL.

But he sounded in pain so with my glass in hand I ran back to my room. My rooms floor was completely sound prof a bomb could go off in hear and no one would hear it. If it didn't blow up the hole tower but thats not the point.

I get the the bed room and loki still asleep was  Curled in on himself he was dreaming and in pain in his dream I have had ptsd dreams and night terrors and things like that so this wasn't new.

If It was anyone else in the tower but me. I was always the one having them not having to stop them and calm the person down. That was there job.

I sat the water down and shook loki a little. He didn't wake up so I didn't again only slightly harder I was saying his name to but he didn't move.

I pulled him in to my arms and tried to relax him a little to see if that would help. I ran my fingers through his hair like Nat did with me and was talking to him about nothing In particular just his name and telling him he is ok and safe and telling him short stories from when I was in my lab making the second Iron man suit.

And all of the things I have learned to put in the suits after a lot of trial and error. I told him about the arc reactor and anything else that came to mind.

It seemed to calm him down a lot actually. He was sleeping peacefully. Or appeared to be he could still be having a nightmare so I  Decided to wake him up.

"Loki, buddy it's time to get up. ok?"I say while shaking him lightly just enough that you would feel it.

He moved and his eyes flutered open. But the smil on his face that he had for a second after waking up was gone in an instant.

He started to cry uncontrollably. I did t know what to do I thought he was fine when he smiled that I wasn't prepared for this at all.

I panicked and maybe made the best " Mistake" of my life.

I press my lips against his and kissed him. He seees shocked but didn't pull back or push me away he kissed back after a second.

And I definitely was not prepared for what happened next.

Hey my loves

This chapter is finally out I was working on it for the pased four days I think it was right after I published the last one so idk. But I struggled to do anything in it but finally after some struggle I finished it and like how it cam out. So moral of the story do t give up. Just take a break and come back with fresh eyes.

Love you all have a good day or night or afternoon see you next time bye

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