4:Panic attack

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"What is going on here?" Tony says in a tired voice.

"TONY WHY IS HE HERE!?" Clint yells I flinch I hoped no one noticed. I felt so helpless I was scared I didn't know what to do. Should I try and get way act normal. Whats normal? Did I seriously just ask myself that.

I have lost myself.

Upon that realisation I notice I was hyperventilating and I became way to vigilant. None of the Avengers were paying to much attention me.

I try to slow my breathing but I couldn't. And the fact I couldn't bright back far to many bad memories and that didnt help. I didn't know what was going on or why I couldn't get a grip on myself why...I didn't know who I was anymore.

They broke me.
They got what they wanted from me.
I will be put I prison here by the avengers.
I need to get out of here.

At this point Tony was done explaing and had looked over at me. And then I teleported away. I haven't used magic in a while I couldn't the prison blocked my magic or well most of it.

I teleported out of a defense mechanism. I dont know were it came from but it happened. I cant be to mad it got ke out of there.

I teleported to my room I didn't have a destination in mind I just needed out of there. I locked the door and slid down it. This wasnt the first time I have had a panic attack but that didn't change anything.

I looked at my self in the body mirror in the corner across the room. I truly did look like shit. I sat and stared for what seemed like hours. I heard a knock on the door.

It was soft but not to soft you could still hear it but not to well. I could feel the vibrations better then I could hear it.

I didn't answer I could,t bring myself to. "Loki I know your in there, can I come in?" It was Tony. I want to say something But I couldn't. I couldn't talk.

"Its ok no one else is here they are all in the living room." Tony said it calmed me a little knowing that he was the only one over here. I stood up but didn't turn to open the door I didn't want him to see me like this.

Why am I like this what happened to me I have been through so much shit "to much" I said out loud I didn't notice though. I never broke like this. I would still have panic attacks but not frequently this was a but much o am the god of mischief and "I can't" I say out loud.

Even do that right I am such a horrible god.

"Hey its ok, Its going to be fine, I can help you just have to let me in." Tony says in a soft calming voice. I know I need help. I look back to the mirror I was crying. I looked like shit. But I unlocked the door with a click. I don't turn around.

"Hey reindeer games" I hear Tony say from behind me. He was in the door way. I could feel as his arms wrapped around me and we stood like this for a few moments.

He was whispering things in my ear. I soon got a handle on my breathing. He turns me around I was still crying Silently. He pulled me in to him and closed the door.

I lay my head in to his chest untill I could feel my self get tired o wasn't able to stand on my own very well and was leaning in to Tony more without really knowing I was.

I then pass out. And for the first time in a while I felt safe. In the person who I tried to kills arms.

Hello everyone how are you.

Sorry thus chapter took so long school has been a pain recently and I havent had much time to write.

Checkout some of my other storeys while you wait I don't wright often but it would help motivate me thank you.

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Love you all.

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