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Tony stood in front of loki Tony was bleeding heavily. "Anthony what happend" "t-there was a small attack. Someone who could manipulate technology. Used my own suite against me"

Tony smiled slightly trying to show he was ok "loki im fine just a few cuts" with that loki telaports him and Tony to Tony's room.

Loki's pov

I got Anthony to his room i gently pushed him down to his bed so he was sitting on it. I then pull his shirt over his head to get a better look and the wounds.

I look at the glowing circle in his chest. It had a crack in it a large one. It was still working fine though or I think it is.

He had quite a few cuts and bruises but he also had a larg stab wound on his shoulder.

I place my hands over the stab wound and I cast a healing spell. The wound slowly closed until it was nothing but a scar.

I look at him for a moment "I'm going to clean and wrap the rest of them since they aren't server." I explain and telaported the rubbing alcohol the some normal alcohol and some wraps and a couple of rags and a bowl of water to me.

I take one of the rags and put some rubbing alcohol on it. I take the rag and gently press it against a small cut on his cheek. He winced slightly and I pulled back in a slight panic "s-sorry." I stamer out.

"Its alright. It just stings a bit."Anthony tells me taking my hand woth the rag and pressing it back to his cheek a little bit harder then I had. He still winced a little and I still mumbled a sorry.

I cleaned up all or his wounds and I had to stich a few it wasn't fun it hurt to see Anthony in pain. After that I had washed my hands and cleaned up. Anthony was pretty tired.

And then I remembered the circle in his chest it had a crack in it. "Oh Anthony you circle thing has a crack in it, is that bad?" I asked afterbi informed him.

He looked more tired "y-yea thats a bad thing...w-we n-need to get to the lab." As the words left his mouth i tellaport us there.

He stumbled to one of the many tables there and he layed down on it. "O-ok i need you to g-go grab one of my extras it should l-look the same. They are in the cabinet over there" he says and points at a cabinet in one of the corners. I went over to it quickly and grabbed on of the other circle things.

"O-ok good. Now take the one in m-my chest out" he says handing me a circular device. "H-how do I do that?" It was hard to hide my worry. "Press that thing I just gave you t-to my chest and press that trigger thing down" he explained.

The more I look at him the more I hear him or feel him. My worry grows even large. I do as he says he looks to be in more pain. As I look at it there are wires and more metal in his chest. It looks like it healed over but he obviously needs what ever contraption this is.

"N-now carefully take the w-wores off of that one and put them on the new one. Just don't p-pull on it to much the magnet w-will come out." He says with a bit more pain in his voice then befor. I could tell it wasn't all physical pain though. There was something else to it.

I did as he says and as I'm switching it he says "than push it in to my chest."he instructed then a couple of seconds latter he talks again and I wasn't ready for what he was going to say.

"Hey s-so this morning, im sorry I don't know what c-came over me" he starts this morning wasn't bad. It felt nice. He was gently and carefull he made sure it was ok. He had stopped and looked worried i didn't know why. I was a bit shocked and it did bring back memories that I didn't want to remember. But he was different from them he is Tony stark ,Iron man, one of earths mightiest heros. And trust me they all live up to that title.

"Anthony. You did nothing wrong" my face gose a bit red "I might have even liked it" I say might with a bit of sarcasm so he knows that I did.

I push the thing back in to his chest and he let in a sharp gasp of both relief and pain. I lean down and kiss him and he kissed back it got a bit heated befor I pulled away. "We can pick that back up when you aren't hurt." Tony chuckled.

He kissed me again he was tired and I could tell it was obvious not just by how he kissed me but his chuckle was tired sounding and so I was his voice.

I tellaport us both back to his room and once I lay him down on his bed he was fast asleep. I cover him with a blanket and then kiss his four head and then leave him to sleep.

I walk out to the main room were all the other Averages were chilling all of them were a bit bead up but not at bad as Anthony.

"Oh hey loki"the one they Call black widow says and I wave at her joint her on the coach. "I'm guessing you took care of you boyfriend right" she says in a teasing manner. My face goes a bit red "yes I did take care of Anthony but no he is not my boyfriend."she smiles with a knowing look in her eyes "ok but when are you going to ask him out?"asked Hawkeye who was still uneasy around me but he never tried anything. My face goes a bit more red.

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