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Tony Pov

I walk up to the door of the Tower I notice Loki pass out.

He just collapsed.

I was able to catch him befor he hit the ground but that doesn't mean anything.

I just thought that it was because of his magic that he still shouldn't have been up and around yet. I look at his face he dosent look peaceful like he did befor he woke up.

He was already in R.E.M sleep ( it is really fast eye movements that make you see things in your sleeep so dreams)

It should have taken longer to get to REM sleep. So I pick him up bridle style and carry him inside. I get inside "Hey Jarvis"
"yes sir?"
"Run a scan on Reaider Games"
"Will do sir, it will take a moment"
I wait for a moment as I walk in to the elevator. I got inpatient.
"Jarvis is that scan done?"
"No, sir"
"Speed it up it is very important"
"Will do sir. But it won't be a s informational"
"That's fine just as long as it is something"

I take the elevator down to my lab. I pull my phone out and text Banner.

Loki Pov

I was looking around. There was just more fire. I was getting dizzy there was so much smoke.

But I keep looking I needed to find someone. To know I wasn't the only one alive. I need to know were Tony was. He just disappeared.

This had to be the work of a magic user. There was no other explanation. But who has the magic to do this. Only one name came to mind. His name.


He is the only one with this kind of magic capabilities. You would need an astonishing amount of magic. Which Odin has it wouldnt take much to set all of New York ablaze I didnt in a matter of hours.

I had it crumbling to the ground.

But I wasn't like that Any more

I was to scared to do that now. I can barely think of my father without having a panic attack.

Tony pov

I Lay Loki down on the work counter that Pepper had recently cleaned. On her own will to. And despite my protests. But I guess it was a good thing.

"Sir the scan is complete" Jarvis spoke and I nodded and pulled it up. On one of my holograms. I look over it.

He has a fever. Which would explain the sudden passing out and the way to early REM sleep. It was a fever dream.

My phone buzzed.

It was a text from Banner.

T:hey banner come down to my lab I need help

Was the text I sent in the elevator

B:ok, but how long have you been back. And Thor is back. He seems worried. Are you with Loki he wants to see his brother.

T:that may be a problem. Loki he passed put and has a pretty bad fever. That's what o need help with I don't knpw how to fix humans that good

B: ok ill be down in a second. Should I tell Thor he wont be happy if we don't give him an explanation to why he can see Loki

T:yea go ahead and tell him. And tell him he can see him in a minute. When we figure out what he has.

B: Tho just told me that Loki can't get sick. His body temp is to cold for a virise to live

T:what do you mean to cold.

B:ill bring him down so he can explain it to the both of us at the same time.


It Only took a few seconds for the two to walk in.

Loki Pov

It had to be him. I could feel my breath pick up. But I couldn't breath. I was chokeing on smoke.

It was so hot. But I was still cold. I was always so cold I hated it. I was just a monster. A big cold monster. A frost Giant.

I walk around yelling for anyone. Then I hear talking. All the screams had faded but I heard talking. I couldn't tell were it was coming from. But it sounded far away from me.

The heat was starting to get to me. Like the smoke was I start to run to the direction of the talking. I needed to get thoughts people out of the city. That what my brother would do.

It was harder to breath the more I ran but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop or thoughts people could die. They would die.

But there was also the possibility of them not trusting me. But I had to try.

I was barely breathing anx the talking didn't get any louder. I was,t getting closer. But I keep going. I had to keep going.

Tony Pov.

"Sir, it appears the Loki is haveing some breathing problems." Jarvis spoke Thor and Banner both ran over. Lokis skin started to turn blue again.

I thought that it was caused by suffocation this time but when I touched him. He was so cold that his skin burned my hand. I pulled my hand a way in an instant. And winced in pain.

Thor on the other hand just sat him up. As if he didnt feel the cold. "Loki" Thor said it was quiet and soft.

Like how he would normally talk about him and when they were kids. Other then the times they would scream like when they were 8 the snake indecent.

Loki just let a small gasp escape his mouth. He was trying to respond. So that answered one question. He is responsive. But the next hasn't been answered. What was happening.

Banner walk ed over with an oxygen mask and tank and puts it on him being carefull not to touch him after see what happens to me.

The cold of lokis skin didnt seem to even mildly affect Thor like he has adapted to it over time.

The moment Loki was "able" to breath again he was trying to catch his breath frantic like he still couldn't breath but he should have been able to.

Thor pov

My brother was still struggling to breath. It was frantic. I then heard the robot voice in the wall say "it appears the Raindear games is having a panic attack sir."

I have heard that the Man of Iron has them all the time and that there not the best. I also know that it is coused by stress or panic.

But that's all I know.

"Thor do you know how to calm him down we need to stabilise his breathing and quickly" Banner said I just nod "give me a moment alone with him" I say and Banner nods.

"We will watch him from my tablet." Tony said. And they walk out.

Loki pov.

I could hear the voices they were Anthony's banner and my brother. They were talking to each Other.

About me. But it was hard to understand what they were talking about over the flames.

I couldn't stand any more and collapsed. I couldn't breath. I had burns all over me. The fire slowly coming closer.

Cliff hanger for now by the time this is up I will have started the next chapter.

What do you think the fire dream thing is. Is it a vision of some sort or just a fever dream.

What do you think coused him to get sick and so suddenly.

Please give feed back.

Love you all

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