2:talk and rest

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"But I was" Tony said to me with a straight face but I could tell that he didnt like to talk about it. But I could tell he has it wasn't obvious but it was in a way it could have just been that he wasn't broken or at least not as much as me any way.

I didn't believe him and I looked confused " that is were I got the Arc Reactor" he taps his chest and it made a slight clanking noise like when I had poked him with my staff.

"So do you trust me now that you know that I understand what your going through" Tony still looked concerned for me. It was odd for me to see someone be concerned for me after all I was imprisoned for I don't remember how long. It was hard to keep track of time in the prison.

I look away from him thinking of all the things that had happened to me in the prison. I could feel tears start to appear in my eyes I didn't notice that until it was to late to stop them from falling. Tony pulls me in to a tight embrace it hurt a little but I didn't mind it. felt nice. His body heat felt really nice against my cold skin. I was always cold to the touch but was never bothered by it I guess that being a Frost Giant isn't all bad but that is the only good thing that came from it. I am never bothered by the cold.

I feel his arm around my waist and the other on the back of my head as he held my to his chest. I wrapped my arms around him I dont know why but I feel safe in his arms.

I continue to cry silently in to his chest. I could hear him whisper things to me trying to calm me down but I wasn't paying much attention to it. I slowly tryed to stop thinking about what had happened to me in the prison. My breathing was shaky "what did they do to you?" I say trying not to sound like a dick or like I was crying but It still did sound like I was crying. And that makes since I was.

Tony seemed to blank out for a moment like before. He cleared his throat "well they would beat me on occasion. They would threaten my friend that was stuck there with me he...he didnt make it out. I tried so hard to get the both of us out but I couldn't that was the worst torture that they could have done to me. Mentally anyway...physically they would...push my head under water until I was on the brink of passing out..." I could hear his voice was unsteady as he spoke past the part about them beating him.

I didnt look up at him to see if he had teared up or not. "What did you do about it?" I ask not thinking before I did.

"At first I would stay in my lab and work until I passed out or Miss.Pots physicaly draged me out. I wouldnt drink anything for weeks on end. I couldn't take showers or anything I was shattered I had lost someone close to me and that is what had effected me the most but I started to talk to Pepper and Rhode and I started to get better. I still cant take baths or swim or even be around enough water that it could cover my entire head. But it is something I had learned to deal with but I wouldnt be able to if I hadn't talk to someone." Tony says to me I could feel him looking at me.

"T-Tony?" I let my guard down and let my emotions show a little it scared me to. I could tell Anthony didnt trust me all the way and I dont blame him.

I was scared I didnt understand why he cared "yea Lo?" I look up for the first time in about 15 minutes I see something move outside the window. It looked familiar but I didnt get a good enough look at it to tell what it was.

"What was that?" I had asked looking out the window it wasnt what I was going to say and Tony could tell. But Anthony looked out the window there was nothing there anymore. " Jarvis check security cameras" he asked even though he knew it could be a trick.

A voice comes out of no were "sir there appears to be an Asgardian person watching" the Voice says I look around try to find the source. I realise what the voice had saide and I panic for a moment Tony grabed my hand "I wont let them hurt you" him saying that calmed me slightly.

"Ill take you to your room" Tony says I guess he could tell I hadn't slept in a while. I nood as he stood up still had a hold of my hand I dont know if that was intentional or not. But it was fine by me. We walk through the hall on the 3rd flour my room was the last room on the left side of the hall.

We walk in and I look around there were some clothes that are in some what of my color and style. There was a bed that could fit two adults in it. And a bathroom. There was a closet to with a dresser in it.

Tony looks at me as he lets go of my hand "well I will let you get some rest and use to the room. And then he goes to leave I wanted to stop him I didnt want to be alone but I didnt. I tried to act like normal me but that was hard I don't know who I am anymore.

I sit on the bed as I notice a body mirror on the wall I didn't see it at first but it was there. So I got up and looked at my self I looked like a mess. My hair was all tangled and had split ends it was gresy I needed a shower i didn't smell great either so I grabed some clothes and I went in to the bathroom and got undressed from the prison uniform that I was still in.

I struggle to finde out how to work Earths showers but I found out pretty quickly. I undo all of the wraps that already needed changed anyway.

I step in to the shower a slight hiss at the stinging from the cuts now having water run down them. I slowly get use to the water but when I did i got cleaned up. I got out of the shower at about 10 it was 9 when I got in I trim off the dead ends from my hair after I brushed it out. I had put my pants on but not a shirt.

Befor I was thrown in to prison I almost never slept with a shirt on that and I had wraped myself back up it wasn't the best job but it would hold for the night.

I lay down in bed it took about an hour and a half for me to fall asleep.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter love you all oh btw all chapters will be 1,000 words or more long.

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