11:calming him down and Explanation

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The song at the top is not mine I just like it a lot and it makes me think of Loki And Thor so.

The song also dose have a point for the plot.

Sternenbringerin has been a great help in keeping me inspired to write so thanks.

So lets get in to the chapter.

Loki pov.

Anthony's banner and my brother. They were talking to each Other.

About me. But it was hard to understand what they were talking about over the flames.

I couldn't stand any more and collapsed. I couldn't breath. I had burns all over me. The fire slowly coming closer.

It would be a lie if i said that I wasn't scared. Terrified. I haven't felt this scars since I was a child. And needed my brother or my mother to hold me and sing me to sleep.

I haven't had to jave them do that in a long time. The last time that they did was when I was 8. But I need them right now. I needed Thor.

It was hard to hear at first as I started to black out. But my brother he was singing something.

"The winds that blew on by us so gently passed us by
Were did it bring the sadness from that clouded up the sky
Gazing up the stars above I wipe the tears from my eyes
Semeingly they disapered and gently waved good bye~"

He sang it was an old asgardin lalaby that our mother sang to us. That they would both sing to me to calm me down.

He sang it quiet as it was a lalaby after all.

"All of dads words he said to me always seemed so unkind
Yet today they seemed so nice as I leave it behind
I never knew what it ment to laugh and smile as I said my dreams
Everyday I followed you and tryed my best to see~"

Thor continues and I feel myself relax a little more. It was still hard to breath but I could now. I still couldn't catch my breath. But the flames see.ed to stop coming closer.

"So just a little more
Now just a little more
I only need a bit so please
Do just a little more
Oh if only a little~

We are both time flyers travling
Just two hopeful climbers wondering
Getting lost and found here~"

I was able to calm down a lot and the fire seemed to be going away. Just fading. Not burning out or being put out it just fades like my illusions do-did. I don't use them anymore. I can't use them anymore.

"Please God just end it
All the tears of happiness laughing out from the sadness
Its because your loving heart has grown up to big for you ~

The toy that I found that one day praying up to the stars
Nowadays it lies around in the darkness
Counting them out today I'm sure there's hundreds of dreams I seek
One day lets share them all when one day we meet ~"

I was calm and I could finally breath. I was breathing heavily and fast as I cought my breath. But I was calm. I could feel my brother holding me in his arms.

And he sang to me. I was aware that u had fallen asleep. At this point. But I was so weak I didn't understand why thought.

I felt hot. And my head was fuzzy and pounding. Like I was in an actual fire. I couldn't open my eyes I was so tired and week.

My brother stops singing as he noticed me move slightly. "Loki? Are you ok? Can you hear me.
?" Thor asked he still thought I was asleep or half asleep at the least.

"I-I-I'm fi-fine" I was still out of breath and panting like I had run a marathon and I felt like it to. I was sore and hot sweting.

Thor ran his fingers through my hair as I tried to stay awake. It was at this time that Banner and Tony walk back in the room.

"Good morning Lokes" Tony spoke I look over at him. But then I realized that there was something over my nose and mouth. I reached up to take ot away from my face when Banner stoped me.

"I dont think taking that off would be a good idea." He says releasing me wrist from his grip. It wasn't a tight grip just enough to stop me his hands were soft but rough probably from helping Anthony in the Lab.

I nod as he grabbed something I don't know what is was for but it had a trigger that shot a laser of sorts but when he pressed the trigger it didn't burn anything or look off.

Banner brought it to my head and pressed the trigger. Even if it had hurt me I was so weak right now that I wouldn't be able to do anything. Not even scream. But I knew Banner wouldn't do anything to me. Now the hulk was a different story.

When the thing beeped Banner pulled it away. "It might not work properly,his body temperature might be to cold" Thor spoke.

Banner looked at Thor then down at the Thing "is that normal for asgardins?" Banner asked. "No but, Loki isn't and Asgardin. He is a frost giant. And I think that what they do can go unsaid then name gives it away pretty well"  Thor explained. Banner nods getting the idea that the Frost Giants are cold. Really cold.

"What's his average Temp" Tony asked. "Well I am not sure. But it is colder then the average human or asgardin"

I was struggling to stay awake as my brother looks at me. I could see it in his eyes he was worried.  I could feel that something was wrong. I am now fully aware of the fact that the fire was fake.

But I wasn't something about it felt off. I don't know how to put it. I just know. I can feel it in my very being.

"Well Raindear games you should get some rest." Anthony says. It was at that moment that I knew I was safe here.

Or at least for now. There had to ha e been something about that fire a message of sorts.

It was something and I knew it.

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