★𝕎ℍ𝕀ℙℙ𝔼𝔻 || Special Chapter(full)★

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18+ NSFW.

"Eitaaaa, give me some attention" you whined like a baby as your fiance, Semi Eita was too engrossed continuing his new song for you as much as you're excited to hear it you still didn't want him ignoring you for the whole day just to focus on it.

"Give me five more minutes baby" he requested making you groan in frustration, call it exaggerating but you're now touch-deprived.

You laid on your bed while watching him play with his electric guitar from his back, you played with your finger that has a ring on it, Semi proposed to you two years after you two got back together, both of you were already planning for your wedding and he said that before the wedding he wanted to have a concert with his band to perform the three songs that he's writing for you.

You were happy of course, happy was actually an understatement but as time goes by you're slowly getting pissed at it, it's taking him away from you.

An idea suddenly popped into your mind, it was kind of embarrassing but maybe he'll finally pay attention to you if you do it, standing up from your bed you slowly made your way to him.

You pushed one of his hands away from the guitar so you can have an opening, he confusingly looked at you but obediently followed your moves, once his body was open you sat on his laps and hugged him tightly, he laughed "You really couldn't wait huh?" he said, thinking that you only went to him for cuddles.

As you settled on his lap, you waited for a while and then slowly moved your hips back and forth, you made it seemed like you were adjusting your position. Semi felt your movement against his dick which made him blush.

"Focus Semi" he mentally tells himself, you were disappointed by his reaction but that didn't stop you, you continued to rock your hips against him basically telling him to do it now.

Eita can feel his dick slowly growing hard by your actions, he tried his best to hide the fact that he's being turned on by your small actions but he couldn't escape it now.

A low moan escaped from his lips, you smirked.

"Y/N..." he calls you to try to stop you but started teasing him more "Yes, Eita?" you responded seductively.

He licks his lower lips and brought his head up with his eyes closed, he moaned once again.

"This feels nice," he said almost whispering, he put his guitar down to focus on you but when you noticed it, you stood up from him.

He expected you to bring him to your bed but instead, you walked away from him with a laugh, he frowned his eyebrows because of frustration.

"Y/N, stop teasing me like that! I'm h-hard now!" he whined.

You turned to him with a mocking expression "Then stop ignoring me too much, I understand you're busy but at least take a break!"

With that he stood up from his chair and pushed you to the bed, "You better take care of this" he hungrily kisses you- his tongue asked for permission to enter your mouth yet you declined, you pushed him away from you. You switched your positions, now he's under you and you're on top of him. A gasp leaving from his mouth.

"Eita who said you could top me?" you sassed, his frustrations are now getting stronger, he's scared that you might not do it with him because you're upset with him.

But his thoughts were cut off when you started kissing him first to his lips down to his jaw, and then on his neck, you sucked and licked his neck leaving marks while his hands traveled to your body, from your waist his hands made their way to your breasts massaging it while you give him wet kisses "More" he breathed out.

"Uh-huh, is that the right way to ask babe? Getting too demanding now, are we?" despite being out of breath you managed to answer him with the right words.

He gulped, he's too aroused now and he needed you around him "Please give me more, princess" he asked. You noticed something about his expressions, his hands are getting too touchy right now which means only one thing.

As much as he wanted to please and finger you, he couldn't because he knows you'll be pissed if he tried to disturb you while you do your business, but you also wanted to be pleased right now "Do what you want Eita, just don't get too excited, I'm the boss for today" you said.

He quickly nodded and put his hands between your thighs, you let out a moan when you felt his rough fingers against your clit, he removed your underwear with his right hand while his left-hand plays with your breasts. "You're wet, Y/N" he pointed out "And you're too hard Eita" he chuckled at your response. He continues to tease your clit whilst inserting two fingers at you.

"Ahhh~" you moaned, you stopped kissing him at the same time your hand reached his bulge down there, you removed his boxers and underwear to feel him more, you caressed his hard cock with your warm hand making him stop for a while on fingering you, you looked up to him only to be turned on more, with his head arching back and eyes shut closed because of pleasure, Semi Eita definitely looks so hot right now.

His hips started to move up and down, his thighs were shaking from the ecstasy he feels from your palm "M-Move it faster, please princess" he begged, you smiled and lowered your head down.

You kissed the tip of his cock making him scream "AHHH, Y/N~" his eyes are now getting watery, he's getting impatient by your slow moves so without any warning, you sat down on his dick carefully, he let out a loud moan once again, you felt him cum inside you even though you just started.

He whimpered as you started to move up and down, you were adjusting yourself so of course, you did it slowly once again, he thrusts to meet your movement- both of you are now feeling the pleasure, he was almost crying at how good your vagina feels around his dick and you let out a moan every time you feel him hit that one spot while ramming against him, his thumb made its way to your clit, he played with it pleasuring you more.

"E-Eita~ Ahhh, right there... don't stop," you said and he fulfilled your request, your right hand pushed his head closer to you so you could kiss him, your tongue danced gracefully with each other.

You feel your walls starting to tighten faster because of his large member "E-EITA! I'M COMING, HARDER!" you yelled as you feel your hips getting weak because of the pleasure, he started thrusting into you harder and faster.

Your eyes rolled back as you reached your peak, he grunted and stopped, releasing his cum inside you for the second time.

He laid on your bed while you're still on top of him, you wanted more.

So you started moving again "Y/N, are you planning to drain the fuck out of me?!" he said even though he was glad that you moved again.

You shut him up by kissing him on his lips.

The day ended with the both of you tired because the fuck, only God knows how many rounds you did it and with Eita not finished on the song that he's writing. 



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