۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 14۵

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"Do you have plans after this?" Kita asked while holding the broken wine bottle with a stain of blood that came from the floor, holding it carefully trying not to mess it up he placed it on a cardboard box.

You positioned yourself carefully while adjusting the flash of your camera before successfully capturing another evidence "Nah, maybe sleep? I'm a sleep-deprived person you see" you replied.

"Who isn't a sleep-deprived person?" he remarked making you laugh, he became so talkative now, unlike when you two first met.

You can definitely see a hint of your personality on his now, being with you brings out his other side. Who would've thought you'll be with him for a long time?

"We're done here, make sure you leave nothing behind" he announced, and all the other police officers walked out of the room while their Chief Inspector stayed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Y/N-san and Shinsuke-san" he said bowing his head. You were shocked as it was the first time that someone actually thanked you, it was always Kita and you're used to it but now a chief Inspector was bowing his head to both of you.

You laughed nervously "AHAHA It's nothing Chief Inspector Sawamura-san!" he gave you a smile before going out, Sawamura Daichi he's the same age as you two but he managed to be the Chief Inspector, he must be that great huh.

"Wow, the power you hold! Must be great to be a detective" you teased, yes Kita became a Detective while you became a forensic photographer that makes you two kind of inseparable. Whenever there's a case, of course, you two would be the mainly needed characters.

"Shut up, this is tiring you know? I hate solving their petty crimes"

"Then why'd you pursue being a detective, you idiot" you never thought Kita would actually be a detective, you thought he was joking at first but he really did pursue the course and everything, you imagined him being in a lab or something more formal and suiting for his personality but here he is, on a crime scene with you.

"Well at first I just thought it was fun but then I got eventually tired of it, but I still love seeing their faces whenever I solved it so yeah" he explained while rubbing his nape. You can see the tiredness in his eyes, both of you barely got enough sleep so it's natural for him to be tired.

You shook your head, not actually believing that he became one just because he finds it fun.

"Should we go and have a drink?" he nodded at your suggestion, you and Kita would often go to bars for a drink after a hard day. Both of you have a high tolerance for alcohol so you have no problem going home.

Kita drove the car on the way to the bar, automatically making you responsible for driving later. Both of you were quiet. It's been years, huh, you thought you left the country 3 years ago and came back a month ago, your mother needed to come to the U.S for medication so you were forced to come with her, you finished your last year on one of the most prestigious schools there and when you came back you applied on the same agency as Kita, they gladly accepted you.

"Should we try that new bar?" Kita asked breaking the silence between the two of you.

You looked at him, you can see how he changed so much "Of course! Duh don't even ask" you responded.

Minutes later, you arrived at your destination you entered the bar with Kita behind you, upon entering you saw a poster on their door.

I see, he also became what he wanted to be. You whispered to yourself.

The bartender welcomed you and took your orders, "I heard that" Kita suddenly blurted out

You shot him a look "And?"

"Oi oi, don't give me that attitude, let's talk about it~" it was his turn teasing you and you can clearly see that he's having fun.

You rolled your eyes, am I ready to talk about it? Well, there's no harm in trying.

"What do you want to know?" you questioned him with your heart beating loudly, you were nervous and you didn't know why.

He grinned "About you and your boyfriend Semi Eita" he said gaining the bartender's attention.

Your eyes grew wide, Semi's a well-known musician in Japan and he just said his name out loud. "Fucking idiot" you muttered a curse under your breath.

"You're dating Semi Eita?" the bartender asked you.

Your hands now massaging the bridge of your nose you shook your head saying 'no', now you have to think of an excuse, but I could just deny it right? Just deny it Y/N, it's the truth don't run.

"I-I'm a fan of him my friend here's just teasing me" you bit your lip, that was a lame excuse and you completely shut down the idea of denying it. 

The bartender just nodded "I thought you are, he's not sharing anything with me so I really don't know if he has a girlfriend- ah! I should introduce him to you next time!" you facepalmed, now it's getting worse thanks to Kita.

"Oh, you're his friend? You should!" Kita let out a devilish laugh, you started to wonder about his calm, composed, and responsible attitude, where is it? Is he drunk already?

You smiled at the bartender and pulled your friend outside when you suddenly bumped into someone whose voice was familiar.

"I'm sorry!" he apologized, Reon.

Fuck could this day be any better? I'm tired and had to deal with this idiotic friend of mine and now I'm having some reunion with my old friends?

You just nodded without showing your face and continued to pull Kita making the other boy confused.

"Hey, that girl's kind of familiar" a guy wearing semi-formal clothes with a white coat on his hands, obviously a med student next to Reon said.

"Yeah, maybe a schoolmate before," Hayato said looking at the way you went through.

As you went to the U.S, you completely lost your communications with them, even Hayato. You didn't want to, but you also didn't want to worry him, you knew how he was gonna react and you'll probably end up as a distraction for him so you didn't tell him that you're leaving.

You smacked Kita's head making him groan, "I swear to God Kita! Be careful next time! You know how popular he is" you warned.

He pouted "Fine, I'm sorry! But you could just deny it you know! You aren't dating anymore!" you froze. 

Semi and you broke up years ago, a month after you started your fourth year. He was scouted by a band, they invited him to be the vocalist for them and he accepted it of course, but then it was on their contract that relationships were not allowed, especially that he's new, it was a mutual decision or so you thought.

"I-I'm sorry, I went too far," Kita said when he realized what he said.

You chuckled "It's fine, you're right anyway. It's just me who couldn't accept it" you finally admitted.

You were always in denial whenever he asks if you still love Semi or if you finally accepted it but you always say that you have already moved on from him and was fine with it. But today you finally admitted and gave up, you lost at your own little game.

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