۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 13۵

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Time passed by so fast and you and Semi were now both in your fourth year of college, you took Forensic Science as your course while Semi of course took something related to the music industry, because of busy schedules and a lot of school works you barely communicate but both of you were fine with it, you both knew that this would happen at some point.

It was now your first day as a fourth year and as usual, he picked you up from your house so you can go to school together.

"It's our last year now yet I still can't see myself working" you whined, you are still not prepared for this last year of you being in college. Yesterday you're only a freshman and now you're graduating once again. You also lost contact with the boys last year because of how busy you are, Hayato would sometimes visit you though.

The boy next to you just chuckled and cocked his head slightly to one side, "That's because you're stressing yourself too much about it"

You pouted unable to deny what he said, suddenly realization hits you what would happen between you and Semi after college?

"I wonder.." you started


"What will happen to us after we graduate?" you finally asked, making him stop in his tracks.

"We'll be fine, we made it this far, we passed so many challenges and arguments. We'll do the same in the future" he replied as if he was so sure about everything.

But you on the other hand was not happy about it, it's not the answer that you were looking for. You don't want your relationship to be the 'same' in the future. You both were already matured and great at handling things but you want something to change. To you, it was like your relationship was a scripted movie, too cliché and predictable.

And now that you think of it, another realization dawned on you. Whenever there's an argument you two believe that it's better to resolve it sooner than run away, but the longer you both do it, you guys are slowly running away. It's not fixing anything, it was always 'it's okay' 'I understand' and not something like one of you prefers. Too loose fitting.

No one requested for someone to change something, no one said something to wake someone up to the reality. No one learns a thing.

You smiled, I'm finally seeing the flaws of this relationship I wonder how will we continue? You thought.

"What are you smiling for? Glad about what I said?" he teased, you shook your head as a response

"Eh? You're not glad about it?" he innocently asked, looking confused.

You laughed and pinched his cheeks "Whether I'm happy about it or not, is a secret for you to find out" you winked and stuck your tongue out.

You turned serious again and faced Semi, "Eita, promise me whatever happens to our relationship, don't run away," you said making him confused once again.

"W-What?! This idiot!" he said as you ran away from him.

You went to your classroom, you expected most of your classmates to be already there, but to your surprise. The room's almost empty, there's only one boy inside. Sitting beside your favorite spot, looking out on the windows. You placed your things on the chair and desk in front of him.

"Hi! I guess you're new? I never see you before" you greeted.

He jumped a little, he was surprised by your sudden greetings, he turned his gaze on you and you were taken aback by his visual.

His face screams so much angel and purity, soft features were evident. His eyes were humble and sweet, his grey hair with black tips looked so soft and nice.

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