۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 21۵

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"We'll see you next time! Be careful on your way home" Taichi bid their goodbyes to you before closing the window of Satori's car, you smiled and waved your left hand at them.

The concert just ended and it's now time for you and Kita to go home- wait Kita? You moved your head to the left and right finding for him, he's nowhere to be found. And then a scene from earlier replayed on your mind. Kita's car was following Satori's.

"He left me all alone what the fuck?" you said with a loud voice gaining attention from other people, they look at you weirdly before looking away again.

You're so close to throwing a tantrum but then a car pulled up in front of you, the window from the driver's seat rolled down revealing an ash blonde-haired boy.

"Get in" Semi commanded you and for some reason, without any doubts and second thoughts you get in his car.

"Wait- what, oh my God what's happening?! Aren't you supposed to be with your members right now?" you said as soon as you sat down on the passenger seat next to him.

You fixed your gaze upon him, he's now wearing a white shirt and a black cardigan, together with his black jeans. Some sweats were still rolling down on his face, you looked for your handkerchief and once you found it you gently wiped the sweat from his face.

He chuckled at your actions, you jumped a little realizing what you did "I- uh-I'm sorry! It's bothering me a lot.." you explained almost whispering.

"It's fine, thank you sorry if it bothers you, do I smell?" he asks you, while smelling himself, you widen your eyes.

"I didn't mean it that way! I mean, you might get sick if you don't wipe yourself properly after sweating that much from the concert!" you said with a fully concerned voice.

"Oh so I worried you?" you frowned at his question, is he teasing me?

He chuckled again, "I'm just kidding, don't worry it's not from the concert I made sure to clean myself properly before getting you.. I'm sweating because I'm nervous" he explained with a flustered look.

He's getting red, he's telling the truth. You thought, Semi has a habit of getting red when he's nervous and you always thought it was cute.


"Because you're here" he answered with all honesty, your eyebrows furrowed even more, so I'm making him nervous? damn, that's cute!

"Then drop me off" you responded with a slightly irritated and hurt tone, you know you're being petty but you can't help it he's being cute right now that you decided to mess with him a little. He gave you mixed signals during the concert and now he's acting like this.   

He turned to you with a troubled look, unsure of what he said now, did I mess up? "No! I didn't tell Kita to leave you just to also let you go away from me!"

He told Kita what? Wait since when did they get so close? And why did Kita agree? Questions are running inside your mind right now but you chose not to say something.

"Chill, I was just messing with you. So? What do you want from me?" you cross your arms and leans back on the backrest.

He sighed out of relief.

"I- I'm sorry" you were confused.

Did he do something? Did he involve my name on something? Why is he saying sorry?

You have absolutely no idea about why he is saying sorry to you, you think it has something to do with the past, but that was your past right? It is impossible for him to bring that up again, or so you thought.

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