۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 17۵

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Tears falling down from your eyes, you sobbed quietly in the school's bathroom. You heard it, you heard Semi talking to the Principal and the band who invited him to join, you were supposed to bring him his hoodie but when you got there, they were talking so seriously and looked like they were in an argument so you didn't barge in.

"You said you'll join right? Then you must follow the contract!" you heard a girl voice inside, you're just behind the door listening.

"She's right Semi, this is your dream, right? How will you achieve it if you couldn't even step up, think of this like it's a long stair, this is just the first step and you're questioning it?" the principal butted in. 

Contract? Does Eita have a problem with his contract with them?

"Don't tell me you have a girlfriend?" silence followed when the girl asked him that while you stood there nervously, and so? Why are they asking him that? And why is Eita not answering?

"Do you have a girlfriend, Semi? If that's the case then you need to choose, her or this band?" That's fucking bullshit! Why can't they just let Eita join? You can feel your blood boiling as you listened to them, are band members not supposed to get into a relationship?

I'm so done with them, I'm getting you out there Eita, I'll find you a band who will accept you, you whispered to yourself and was about to enter the room but then your boyfriend suddenly spoke, what he said made you back out.

"I don't have a girlfriend, I just think it's ridiculous that I'm not allowed to have one" your jaw dropped, he said what?

I don't have a girlfriend

The phrase lingered on your ears, you can hear his voice fading out as it replayed repeatedly. Your heart was beating so fast.

Eita, why?

You were always so proud of me being your girlfriend, so why didn't you tell them the truth?

"Well, you're new, our fans wouldn't like it if one of our members have a girlfriend right? If you have a girlfriend, it'll be your fault if we started to go down" a male voice said playfully.

Right, they can't get into a relationship yet, they were only starting to get the hype, and Semi shouldn't ruin it.

"But you accepted me? Why is it my fault?" Semi questioned back, he felt really bad for denying you and that means he got to join them now, but he doesn't know how to explain it to you.

Never in his life did he ever denied his love for you and your relationship with him, but now his dreams are there right in front of him, he should hold into it, right?

"Duh, because it's you who got into a relationship? And we need your talent on our band so whatever you say, you'll be joining us- why are you even asking that, you just said you don't have a girlfriend?" you covered your mouth and looked up preventing yourself not to cry there.

"I-I w-was just asking! And I'll join you guys don't worry"

You ran away after that and now you're in the bathroom, sobbing quietly. That hurts.

He ensured them, but what about your relationship? He denied you, what about your feelings?

But that was his dream, Y/N, it's his dreams that we're talking about here you shouldn't be selfish.

You wiped your tears and fixed yourself, you fixed yourself so well that even a small stain of tears couldn't be seen. You put on a smile and went out, it's almost time to go home Eita's probably waiting for me.

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