۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 20۵

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Wearing a black shirt and black skirt, you did a turn once again to see if there's any mistakes on your outfit.

Today's actually the concert of Semi's band, this is your first time going on a concert so you're kind of nervous about it.

You have no idea what you need to do when you get there, you don't even know any of their songs so you're actually having second thoughts but then you realized that it can be a way of supporting Semi, this might actually give you a chance to watch his growth for the past years.

"Stop doing that, what are you a yoyo?" Kita who's leaning on the door said, his hands holding your bag and his.

You gave him a scowl, Kita can sometimes be annoying but you're really thankful for him, he was always there and of course you never failed to do the same for him. Both of you being each others' home friend, including Hayato on yours.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? You can just rest at your home if you want" you questioned him, when he heard that you were coming to a concert he quickly bought a ticket for him to join you.

Kita's actually worried for you, he knew your past and he knows that you still love Semi how can he be not worried? It's quite obvious for him that Semi actually feel the same but he's not sure for he doesn't know Semi really well, what if he's just playing you right? So he decided to come with you to make sure that he can get you away if ever shit happens.

"That's like the hundredth time already Y/N, I am sure of this and excuse me? I know some of their songs too" he said while he's helping you balance yourself while you put your shoes on.

You gave him a frown, he know some of their songs? So it's just me who knows nothing? Wow, how pathetic Y/N.

Your ride went well with Kita playing their songs so you won't feel left out later, and you messaging the old volleyball team, they said all of them were already on their way just like you so you relaxed yourself to Semi's songs.

"KITA! Y/N! HEREEEE!" You heard Hayato's loud voice from a far, you turn to see him and he's already at the line with the team so you walk there with Kita.

"Hey" you greeted them and they all greeted you back.

"Hey, I heard Semi's announcing something big later, are you guys engaged already?" Goshiki blurted out making you choke on your own saliva.

But Eita's announcing something? What could it be? Your curiousity was slowly eating you but you tried your best to ignore it.

"What the hell Goshiki!? We're not even together!"

"Yeah? That scene from the cafe last time says other wise" of course Satori never failed to tease you about it.

"Not together? The scene from the studio slash crime scene says other wise" but to your surprise, even Kita hopped in.

The boys let out an 'oh' trying to interrogate you about it.

"Wow my bestie's getting spicy even on crime scenes? Sounds like wattpad" Hayato teased.

"Hey, that's my Bestie" Kita jokingly objected him, Hayato rolled his eyes showing some sass

"Can y'all stop? We're not together okay!" you denied but you can't deny the feeling that it sounds really good that they think you guyd are together again.

"But you still love him right?"

"yes- wait what!?"

Your absentmindedness exposed you, they become quiet and Shirabu was the first who broke free from the speechlessness.

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