۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 3۵

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It's been 3 days since that day, you didn't see anyone from the team aside from Hayato who's your classmate since then. It's not like you were expecting them to come right?

Besides you were completely busy after that day, the school's foundation day is coming and you need to read all of the ideas suggested on the student council.

Sikeeee, you were low key wishing for them to come again with that one-day interaction you completely threw away your plan to ignore Semi. With your head down on your desk and some strands of your hair in front of your face, you let out a huff.

"Missing Semi now, are we?" Hayato sneered at you with a mocking smile.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Shut that shitty mouth of yours, if someone hears you I swear to hell."

Hayato never really teased you about him before even though he knew, but now that you two are finally in each other's sights, he took it as an opportunity to tease you.

A small girl entered your room, her hair's a bit messy but she looked cute with her big eyeglasses.

"Y/N-chaaaan~ the president called for you," she said while holding your hands, you can feel your heart melt just by looking at her, you have a soft spot for this girl. She's the President's younger sister.

"Alright thank you for telling me, Kaede." with that she left your classroom.

Then you felt Hayato behind you, with his eyes locked on the door. "Got a crush now Hayato? Back off she's mine." you joked to him. He made face.

"You already have Semi don't be selfish now."

You made your way to the student council's office with Hayato trailing behind you, you were annoyed with him going with you but didn't say anything, it's about time he needs to have a girlfriend, you thought.

You already have a plan of playing cupid but for now, you have to focus on your work. You entered the room.

"Y/N, who's he?" the president asked, you facepalmed as you realized that Hayato followed you inside.

"A friend, don't mind him, so what's for me to do?" you replied and asked him too.

He gave you about 10 pieces of paper containing the activities that each club's going to do and the schedule for the foundation day.

"You're in charge of the announcement on your grade level, I already talked to the teachers you can announce today. You have your friend with you so I won't ask other officers to come with you." he calmly explained, you nodded as a response and went out of the room.

It's not the first time that you're going to announce something but for some reason, you're getting nervous today.

Might be because of Semi.

Your announcement on the first two classes went well, now there's class 1 left, where Reon, Ushijima, Tendo, and Semi are. (okay I know they're in different classes but in this fanfic, I made them classmates k?)

"Calm down Y/N they're not gonna bite~" Hayato chuckled.

You pinched his arm causing him to wince in pain.

"Shit do they have prof now?" you asked nervously since their door was closed.

Hayato knocked, a few seconds later a girl opened it, turns out that they just closed it and there's no teacher inside. You inhaled deeply and smiled at the girl in front of you, "Hi, I'm the council's vice president Y/N L/N, I need to announce something real quick, may I?" you asked politely and she nodded.

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