۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 16۵

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"Uh- uhmm how do I.." you started scratching your head, you're thinking for the right words to say so you won't sound dumb and careless in front of them since their focus was really on you.

The inspector chuckles at your action, he finds it cute that you, the calmest, formal, and firm at work is actually being a nervous wreck right now, "It's okay, don't be nervous, it's not like we're going to do something wrong right?"

Kita who's just done observing your ex and the other boys talks for you "Her files from the latest case were corrupted, she's wondering if you could send her your copy" he said explaining your situation, the inspector was shocked to hear this. That was just a normal favor why is she so nervous? He thought.

I'm getting nervous with them here and listening shit! Daichi probably thinks I'm weird for acting like this

While somewhere on their table, a boy who's still looking down is thinking very deeply, why are they together? Are they just workmates or are they dating? Why the hell am I even thinking about it? Goshiki noticed how his so-called senpai was spacing out, and of course, being the loud one he is, he pointed it out "Semi-san? You're spacing out!" the boy jumped out of his thoughts.

Fuck you Goshiki.

All of them looks at him, including you, you made eye contact and that's when he noticed how tired you looked. Your eyes were weary but serene, it was heavy and it will only take a little push for you to fall asleep. His dangerous and piercing eyes were suddenly gone and was replaced by a concerned one, you felt your heart jumped a little.

"Are you guys having a staring contest or something?" Daichi waves his hand breaking your eye contact.

"Oh- r-right I'm sorry what were you saying?" you asked him as you feel your cheeks and ears go red.

"I'll send it to you later, you don't have to worry about it" he ensured you and you sigh out of relief, your problem's now solved.

"Thank you very much! You just saved me, what do you want me to do as a return?" you exaggerated and thought about what you could give to him so you could return to his kindness.

He laughed "Silly, you don't have to do anything. Be my friend maybe?" he jokingly asked and you agreed to it, so now a new friendship was born (yayyy jsabsnk)

"So Y/N.." you suddenly become paralyzed when Hayato spoke, his voice and tone was sending you chills to your spine.

"Heyyy Y/N- senpai~" Shirabu backed him up.

"Senpai? Are you close to them Y/N?" Daichi asked and the bartender beside him curiously looked at you, he totally forgot about his job now.

"They were schoolmates I think? Y/N went to Shiratorizawa" not just schoolmates Koushi.

Annoyed, Hayato slams his hands on the table gaining your attention once again, "Would you mind explaining yourself?" anger was evident in his harsh voice.

"Ohh what's the tea?" the bartender asked Suga and Suga just shrugged as he knows nothing about Y/N's life, cousin goals <3

"Hey I know you're mad but that's a girl you're talking to, calm down, you're scaring her" your mother scolded Hayato- lol no jk we all know it's Kita.

He scoffs in disbelief, opening his mouth to say something but decided not to. You took a deep breath, where should I start?

Should I apologize first? Of course dumbass! And then what? What if I mess up and they misunderstand it? Will they even forgive me for cutting our connections?

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