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Uh hi? This is Semi btw...

Are you available today?

The team wants to spend some time with you during practice, I'm guessing Hayato told you already?

It's alright if you can't come tho..


U comin?

Or nah?

For the last time, you checked yourself in the mirror, today's Saturday and yes you made up your mind to come to their practice.

"Am I wearing something okay?"

You asked yourself as your eyes traveled up and down on your reflection in the mirror, you're wearing your cropped low neck beige cardigan that shows your collar bone and bralette strap on the right side, partnered with your high waisted jeans who hugged your lower body the best and white sneakers. As for someone who likes to style herself a lot, this outfit was the only decent one you can find on your closet.

While finding your bag, you typed your reply to the two.

Y/N to Semi:

Hi! Sorry can't come today, I'm gonna be busy doing something for the council.

Y/N to Hayato:

Nah, sorry :<

You laughed at your reply, you went out of your dorm and school, looking for a near convenience store. You're planning on buying some foods for the team as an apology for leaving last time.

You bought some meat buns, onigiri, and drinks for them. When you were done, you ran on your way back to school. Heading directly into the gym, you decided to peek on the window to see if they were doing something. Lucky you, they just finished their first game.

"Sooo, she's not really coming?" Reon asked Hayato and Semi once again. Hayato just shrugged while Semi nodded.

But Shirabu already noticed your presence while you were peeking on them minutes ago. "She is," the boy said to them.

Semi eyed him suspiciously, he was about to say something when a voice interrupted him.

"Excuse me? Can I come in?" as if the time has stopped, they locked their eyes on you not saying anything.

"Y/N-channnnn~" Satori runs up to you, while you made eye contact with the brown-eyed boy who's shocked to see you right now.

Hayato couldn't care less, he's used to you lying every time he asks you something, he already knows that you were coming.

Looking up to Semi, you felt your cheeks heating up so you broke the eye contact, he looked really hot. Sweat dripping on his neck and face, with him holding his t-shirt up that showed his toned abs.

"Hello, Tendou-kun, sorry I lied, here are some foods I bought for you guys as an apology for last time," you told the red-haired boy.

He let you in, the boys however gulped when they realized what you were wearing, but you didn't notice that. They admired your looks especially today that you have your hair down. On the side, Shirabu was trying hard not to blush, you looked too good right now, your style was a turn on for him but he knows that Semi likes you and you probably also like him.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙 •《Semi Eita x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now