۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 22۵

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"Former guitarist of The Crimson band Semi Eita was said to have a girlfriend outside the industry, the Vocalist Aya Takahashi confirmed the circulating rumor about it-" Terushima turned off the T.V and faced his bandmates including the new member, Semi.

"So Eita? Is it true?" Semi gulped, they haven't even started as a band yet and he already has an issue.

Slowly, he nodded his head, silence engulfed all of them, he closes his eyes ready for them to scold him. I really need to stop bringing problems to my bandmates, he thought. But whatever happens, I am not going to deny Y/N ever again, I will not do anything that will hurt her, I am not walking through the hell where both of us gets hurt again.

He almost completely lost you and he doesn't want that to happen again, even if it means giving up his career for now he'll gladly do it for you.

But to his surprise, they all started screaming and cheering as if someone has won a big award, he opened his eyes and observed all of them.

Kenji, their drummer noticed how tense he is, "Did you think we're going to scold or lecture you?" he asked Semi making the whole band stop their celebration.

"W-Well I brought you a problem, didn't I?"

He received three painful smacks from them, "Bro all of us here literally have a girlfriend why would it be a problem?" Semi was shocked at the revelation, he didn't expect them to be so carefree about that matter, they're in the music industry, the media,  so why are they talking about it as if it was normal?

Having a relationship when you're in that busy industry and when you're doing fanservice, is impossible.   

"Oh! I have an idea!" Terushima beamed with a smirk on his face.

"I don't trust you but go on," Issei said

"Why don't we introduce our girlfriends at our welcome concert for Eita?" the two other boys let out an 'oh' and agreed while Semi stood there, confused.

This was totally unexpected for him, he thought they would be more strict since they are kind of famous despite being incomplete but in all honesty, he was glad too. He was glad that he will be able to breathe freely in this group, he was glad that there will be no problems again between the two of you.

"How?" the question suddenly escaped from his mouth.

"Is your girlfriend good at singing?" Teru questioned him.

"Yes, why?"

"Then sing with her, we'll also have our own performances with our girlfriends" Eita's mouth went wide at his plan, that was too much, will you even agree to it if he asks you about it?

It's been 2 days since they planned that out and that question will be answered today, Eita thought. He just fetched you from your work and both of you are now in his condo, spending your time together.

"Hey what's wrong? You're being too quiet, did something happen?" you asked him while wrapping your arms around his waist and nuzzling your face to his neck, you noticed that he's not being his usual self today he was always so talkative whenever you two are alone.

"What if I ask you to perform with me?" he blurted out and you frowned.

He's not actually going to ask me that, is he-

"Actually, I am asking you to perform with me" your eyes widened, you were just thinking about how he's not going to do it but he actually did!

You suddenly started thinking about how your voice sounds when you sing, you're pretty sure that you don't have a very nice voice, you can only think of you messing up once you are on stage. You cringed at the thought of it, I'm going to embarrass myself.

"Sure" but your heart and voice betrayed you, you were convinced that in your mind you were against the idea but why did you agree?

Because your heart says so, you love him too much that you're willing to do anything for him even if it means going out of your comfort zone, back then when you were just admiring him from afar, when it was you who actually shows interest in singing you actually wished for something like this to happen you daydreamed about this way too often.

Eita, on the other hand, couldn't hide his happiness, a smile was plastered on his face making it harder for you to take back your words. You giggled while he showered you with his kisses.

"Then let's practice right now, you'll be with me at our welcome concert" he stands up, and instead of pulling you up, he carried you like a baby and went to his music room.

He put you down on the chair and started preparing the piano and guitar, you cocked your head to your right innocently as you watch him do his thing.

"What song are we doing?"

"The first song I've ever heard from you" you were bewildered, you never sing in front of him what song is he talking about?

You think of it really hard and halfway of thinking you gave up, you really don't remember yourself singing in front of him "What song? I don't remember singing something to you" you admitted.

"It was Next to you, you never sing it for me but you've sung it once in your classroom, all of us third years heard you" you blushed trying to remember when you did that, I'm probably caught up on my own little world.

Eita chuckled and gave you a soft kiss "Don't worry, you did well that time" you covered your face and hit him on his arms, quickly regretting it when you saw how veiny and muscular it was.

Your mind was flooded with dirty thoughts, Eita noticed it when he saw how your neck got red.

"Someone's thinking about something naughty~" he teased.

You grabbed him by his neck and leaned closer to his face "Well, who wouldn't? when you literally look like a sex God" it was your turn to smirk, he was taken aback by your sudden boldness.

But deep inside you were also freaking out, Semi Eita's your boyfriend but you still can't hide the fact that he easily flusters you.

Without thinking, he crashed his lips together with yours, kissing you softly at first but you didn't like it that way, pulling him harder against you, you snaked your arms around his neck letting out a small groan. His tongue entered your mouth as his hands made their way to your neck, both of you kissing each other hungrily.

"Enough" Eita pulled away and you let out a disappointed noise.

"We're not doing it before marriage baby" he added laughing at your small tantrums 

"But it was you who started it! Fucking tease!" you whined, but what he called you caught you off guard.

"Say it again" you demanded.


He looked at you confused, even though he has an idea of what you were talking about.

"Say. It. Again" you repeated making every word clear.

"Baby?" he finally repeated, feeling prickly heat around his ears.

You giggled and jumped on to him "Yes daddy?" you ridiculed him even more.

He sighed and slightly smacked your forehead "Stop teasing me" he whined "But you look cute when I tease you"

"D-Don't call me cute!" moving and looking away from you, he tried to escape your boldness.

You bit your lower lip, consuming all of the feelings you're experiencing right now, you admire him so hard that you know nobody could ever understand how crazy and whipped you are for this boy unless they experience it themselves.

I am in trouble Eita, I still haven't figure out how to be near you and not be drove crazy by every little thing you do.

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