۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 9۵

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"Y/N! OI DUMB BITCH! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" you saw Hayato dropping his bike and running towards you, you sighed.

Did he ditch his practice?

"Oi quit yelling, will you? I told you not to run off of your practice!" you yelled at him, making the girl with you wince.

Right, you almost forgot that you were with Naomi, you laughed at her reaction.

"Naomi? Why is she here?" Hayato asked while he stopped right in front of you, observing the girl next to you.

After her, he scanned your whole body finding any bruise or scratch, when he found none he sighed out of relief.

"This dumb friend of yours just saved me, tell her not to be reckless next time she scared the fuck out of me!" she complained, it was true though, she was scared back there she thought that you might get hurt or worse get killed by those guys.

She hated you but she never wished for something bad to you.

She turned to you, and bows aggressively, you were taken aback by her actions. "Thank you for saving me! I still hate you." with that she walks out and entered the café near to you.

You and Hayato both stood there like a statue, he wants to tease you but he was more concerned about your state now so he scanned your body for the last time.

"I had an idea on what happened and as much as I want to lecture you right now, my teammates are gonna kill me if I don't hurry back there I'm glad you're fine though. Let's get back to the dorms now, shall we?" he said.

"No.. I need to talk to Naomi, you can go now I'm fine now," you replied.

He ruffled your hair and told you to be careful on your way back once you're done talking to her.

You entered the café and roamed your eyes around the room to find her, you saw her spacing out on one corner so you walk up to her.

"Did you get trauma from what happened?" you asked with a hint of concern on your voice.

Startled, she flinched from her sit looking back at you.

She was shocked but recovered quickly, "No, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I have to tell you something"

"What? Are you gonna comfort me and-"

You shushed her off as you sat down on the chair across her.

"You want to be the council's vice president right?" you asked.

She raised an eyebrow at you not getting what you are saying right now.

"Yeah? But there's you now so that's impossible" she said, stating the obvious.

You took a deep breath and looked at her eyes directly.

"I resigned, don't get me wrong I didn't resign because of you, I just want to focus on my studies right now" you responded.

"The position will be given to you since we're only 1 vote apart."

The girl in front of you glanced on her right side, seeing someone outside.

"Focus on studies or focus on Semi?" she blurted out and returned her focus on you.

The person outside the café then backed off a little when he saw her looking.

You frowned, confused about what she said but you decided to just ignore it, "I'm going now, I just wanted to let you know."

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙙 •《Semi Eita x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now