۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 12۵

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Your relationship with Semi went well, he became such the best boyfriend just for you and you did your best to be the perfect girlfriend for him. You never had any serious arguments, sure sometimes you have misunderstandings but both of you would always talk about it after hours of cooling your head off.

Communication's one of the keys when it comes to relationships, after all, both of you always made sure to listen to each other and understand your partner for the better, both of you apologizes every misunderstandings. You and Semi's relationship was near being perfect, it's too good to be true and it's the kind of relationship that everyone craves for.

You've been together for almost 4 months and now both of you together with the other third-year graduates.

"Can't believe time flew so fast!" Hayato exaggerated while wiping his fake tears

"Wahhh Y/N-chan, you've grown so much and now you're finally graduating!" Satori joined as if he's not one of you.

You rolled your eyes at their playfulness, while taking your time with your studies they officially became your squad, the whole team. Naomi also became your 'friend' though she doesn't like it when you call her your friend, it was obvious that the girl grew a soft spot for you.

"Can you all shut up? The ceremony's starting" Reon said to shut them up, and as if on cue the music started and the first speaker appeared.

"More importantly why did we have to be near these idiots?" Naomi muttered

You were in different classes but you, Hayato, and Naomi were part of the special awardees and honor students so your seats were in front, near Semi's class.

"Just endure it, they'll shut up soon" you replied

"L/N, Y/N class 3, highest GPA award, Best Science and English student awardee, served as the Student Council's Vice President for 5 months" the teacher called you and you went up on the stage to receive the medals and certificates


From the stage you can see them cheering and clapping for you, you mentally facepalmed yourself.

Another hour went by and the graduation came to an end, you walk up to Semi, Reon, and Satori

"Let's take some pictures!" you invited them while holding the camera that Shirabu brought, they arrived right after the ceremony.

"You're so prepared for this huh" Reon said as he lines up together with Semi and Ushijima

"Congratulations, Y/N" Semi whispered to your ears and kissed your forehead, you smiled at him and congratulated him.

Irritated, the team threw some flowers to the both of you "Quit it lovebirds!" they all said.

"Haiiiii, prepare your poses, 3..2..1 smileee!" Goshiki took the honor of taking your pictures.

Once it was done, you set up the camera together with the tripod and motioned the team to position themselves.

"Let's take another one with the whole team!"

They agreed and you guys took a lot of pictures that made the storage full. After that, you were surrounded by students and they gave you letters and chocolates as a thank you for working hard, being the Vice President most of them loved how you work though it was kind of sad since they look up so much to you that they didn't bother being friends with you.

All of you already moved out of the dorms a week ago so now you have to go home for real, but the first and second years decided to treat you for tonight so you all went to a buffet.

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