۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 8۵

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Part 1

Every day the girl who confessed to Semi would go to the gym to watch them practice, you also did. They became your stress reliever and break from the council, while all of them created memories with you, there's one person who became distant with you and the team.

You could tell that the girl and he are not dating but still, she sometimes would drag him away from you guys to invite him somewhere else. You wanted to ask him what's the deal between them but you did not want to pry into his life either.

"Are you and that girl dating Semi-san?" Kawanishi asked him, the whole team surrounded him.

Rubbing his nape, he looked down with an unreadable facial expression.

You're with the team at the cafeteria having your lunch, it's been a long time since you had lunch so you were excited when they invited you.

"No, I rejected her but she said she's not giving up," he responded sounding troubled because of his situation.

"Do you like someone else, Eita?" you suddenly questioned, leaving them with their mouths opened because of your boldness.

Reon, Satori, Ushijima, and Hayato however have smirk plastered on their faces.

"W-Why do you ask?"

You took a bite from your bread, looking at him directly in his eyes.

You sighed, you noticed how he was uncomfortable with the girl around but he couldn't do anything about it or maybe he just doesn't want to come out rude to her. You had an idea of how he can get rid of the girl.

"Well, I figured that maybe if you tell her that you have your eyes on someone, she would somehow give up and leave you alone?" you told him, taking another bite from your food.

You were an expert when it comes to this kind of things since you're quite popular yourself.

"M-Maybe I'll try that." he said still not answering your question.

He's purposely ignoring it because he's scared that he might fuck up and slip something out his mouth.

"So you do, like someone?" Shirabu didn't let this chance go, he knew that his senpai likes you so he was trying to corner him and maybe make him confess to you.

But to his disappointment, the boy just shrugged at him and avoided any eye contact.

Hours passed by and you were now on your way to the council to drop something when Naomi purposely bumped with your shoulder.

She grabbed your collar, "I heard you actually like Semi huh? I wonder what would you do if he find out." she whispered with a smirk on her face.

She just really won't stop messing with me huh.

You rolled your eyes at her, "I told you to fuck off, I don't have time for your games." you said avoiding what she said.

But she ignored you and just walked away, you knew she was up to something but you don't really care.

So what if she actually tells him, or if she actually spread rumors about you liking him? It's the truth anyway, you didn't plan to confess but you knew that the truth will be revealed someday, you're ready for events like this. Him finding it out, it's not like you could hide it forever, and it was quite obvious now only Semi hasn't caught up with it yet.

After dropping out the paper on the council, you met up with Hayato engaging him with small talk outside their gym.

"Did he actually do something to the girl?" you asked since you noticed that there was no girl inside, and there's no pair of shoes outside the gym.

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