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Semi Eita, though being in the same school as him, you feel like he's that person who's impossible to reach. Despite not having any interaction you developed feelings for him, you only saw how he plays volleyball yet you can already tell that he's the type of boy you'll fall for.

You just admired him silently from afar since you know that his focus is only and mainly on volleyball, therefore you don't have a chance. And to bother him or to even talk to him and be friends with him is the last thing you want to do, because once you do, you know you'll fuck yourself up.

"Y/N quit spacing out, we're literally in the middle of the discussion," Hayato whispered as he gently pinched your right arm.

Hayato's your classmate and friend that is also a member of the volleyball club, he once invited you to watch their practice and that was when you saw Semi.

You just chuckled as a response. A few minutes later the prof dismissed your class for lunch but instead of going out to eat, you just opened your notebook where you keep your schedules and starts to check if you have some unfinished job because you're a busy gal who's a Vice President in your school's student council. That also means you're quite popular.

You felt someone staring at you but didn't bother to look since you're too preoccupied.

To your surprise, a hand closed your notebook and took it away from you, it was Hayato, "You don't have something to do today, I checked that earlier so come and eat with me." he said.

"What are you my mom?" you joked, which clearly he didn't like.

And so your lunch ended with you coming with him, you were only following him it was too late when you noticed that you guys are not going to the cafeteria. Confused, you tapped his shoulders.

"Where are we eating?" You asked him.

He smirked and did not answer your question, after another minute of walking he stopped. You looked around and saw the whole volleyball club sitting on the floor. That was when the realization hits you.

Oh hell no, this is not happening.

Hayato Yamagata, your friend, the libero of the volleyball club just betrayed you.

Of course, that was a joke, he just brought you to his teammates. They were all eating when you arrived so this is what he meant when he said come eat with me? Bitch, I didn't even get to fix my ugly ass, you thought.

A red-haired boy then came up to you with a big smile on his face, Tendou huh? "Oya? Is that the friend you were talking about Yamagata-kun?" he asked.

Panicked and flustered because of his sudden approach, you quickly bowed at him, "Uhm I'm Y/N, Hayato's friend nice to meet you senpai!" you greeted him with so much respect because he's someone older than you. It's an instinct that you have. 

You shut your eyes closed, disappointed with yourself you moved without thinking again, damn it at least let Hayato do the introduction!

"Ara ara Y/N-san~ we're literally on the same grade you don't need to call me senpai." He replied while scratching his head a little.

The other boys surrounded you that made you a little nervous, you saw Semi at your left, your plan to not make any interactions with him was now ruined because of your friend. You hid behind Hayato who's now laughing at you.

"Ah she probably feels obligated to call you senpai since you're older than her, following her age, she supposed to be in a grade lower than us but she's smart smart so yeah don't mind her calling you that," Hayato explained for you. You just stood there, hopelessly despite being the Vice President you actually lack communication skills and is very anxious towards people.

"I think we should introduce ourselves first-" Ushijima said to his teammates but Hayato cut him off.

"No need, she knows all your names."

The boys were shocked but didn't bother asking you that made you feel better, they went back to eating after the little chit chat while you and Hayato sit a little far away from them. You smacked his head.

"I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS ALREADY YOU DUMBASS." he jolted as you yelled at him, his teammates heard it so they all stopped eating for a moment, but you didn't notice so you just continued yelling at him.


Hayato who's now on the floor laughing stood up. He's completely aware that they are watching you, the reason why he's laughing.

"If I told you, you would reject my invitation because of your goddamn plan besides it was their idea since I talked to them about you!"

"I WOULDN'T REJECT YOU IF YOU TOLD ME THAT! I just embarrassed myself in front of them because I was too nervous and I look like shit right now I hate you." You lashed out at him more.

He sighed and looked at you seriously "Well, you're embarrassing yourself again, look behind you."

You did what he said, and right now you just want to bury yourself 6 feet under. They were all looking at you with their surprised faces, and what made you more embarrassed is that Semi, your crush is holding his laugh.

You blushed and quickly covered your face with your both hands. "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY!" you said while bowing repeatedly.

"Seems like senpai's got quite a mouth~" Shirabu teased you.

You saw Semi stepped forward, oh God is he about to say something? That's a turn-off Y/N!

Your thoughts got cut off when you heard someone calling out for you.

"Y/N-san! There you are! Can you do this for me, please? I have an emergency with my family so I won't be able to do it!" Mae, the council's secretary asked you. She looked like she's in a hurry so you took the papers off her hand, at the side you can clearly feel Semi watching you, all of them actually but Semi's stare was too intense like he's observing even your little steps and moves.

"Sure I'll do it, you can go now take care," you assured her, with that, the girl disappeared from your sight.

You turned to them, you caught Semi's eyes he quickly looked away which made you giggle, you smiled at them. "Well, seems like I'll be busy today, I'm sorry for the yelling earlier, I'll be going now. Maybe we can eat together again on some other days?"

"We would love to eat with you again!" they all said in unison, cute.

And so you started to walk away from them all while cursing yourself.

Great, Y/N

First, you embarrassed yourself and now you said something dumb. Way to go Y/N and we thought you don't want to interact with Semi?

Well fuck that plan, he looked really cute earlier! 



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