۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 7۵

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It was now your school's foundation day, and you were working your ass off together with the other officers. You run through the hallways for like every five minutes to assist and fix everyone, the other officers were on their respective club activities, only the President, you, and another 2 officers are currently working right now since you all did not join any club.

1 week before the event you were always in the gym with the volleyball team, you became closer with them in a short amount of time especially with the first years since you see them as your 'babies'.

The boys invited you to watch their play-off but it seems impossible now, you glanced at your watch. There's 10 minutes more before they start, you started to pray you really wanted to watch them play again.

And as if the Gods and Goddesses have heard your request the President spoke to you. "Do you have something to do Y/N-san? You can go now, our works are almost done any way we're only left with paper works, I can handle them so feel free to go."

You squealed and gave him a look, "Thank you! I'll go now, are you sure you're fine alone now?"

He chuckled, "Yes, and also you look very excited right now, I can't take back my words anymore."

You playfully hit him on his arms, before proceeding to the gym, you went to the bathroom first.

"Wow, Y/N you're a mess."

You combed your *hair length and org hair color* with highlights of ash grey, braiding a little portion of it from the right side and finally putting it on a loose ponytail with a purple ribbon.

With that you pursued the way to the gym, they were already playing when you got there, your eyes wandering to find some comfortable spot, you saw Semi on the bench with other players. He looked really cool and sexy with his jersey.

"Ohhh is that Y/N-chan?" Kawanishi caught the sight of you entering the gym.

Hayato looked in your direction, waving his hands and you did the same.

Semi hasn't noticed you yet, it's not like you were expecting him anyway.

You sat down and watched them play, Tendou literally blocking almost all of the girls' spikes and Ushijima being an ace. All of them were amazing in their own ways, the game ended with them winning but unfortunately, Semi did not play, it was kind of expected since it was just a play-off but still, you wanted to see him play.

You stayed for a little while, Shirabu walks up to you, that was when Semi noticed your presence.

"Y/N-san, can I talk to you? There's something I want to tell you" he asked.

You were curious so you agreed to him, you both went out of the gym.

"What's up with the two of them?" Goshiki asked Hayato, it was given that you became close with them but Shirabu barely speaks to you so to see him walking out with you is a puzzle to them.

Hayato had an idea about it though.

"Shirabu's probably confessing." He said and Semi choked on his water.

Tension growing inside of him as he imagined you and Shirabu together.

Shirabu never talked about it and did not even show a sign of interest in you, or so that's what he thought.

"What's the matter Shirabu-san?" you questioned the boy in front of you. His eyes looking at yours directly as if he's looking at your soul.

"I like you, Y/N-san" Shirabu blurted out that made your jaw drop, you couldn't process it. You couldn't believe it, you two barely talk to each other.

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