۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 2۵

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You just finished doing the files that the secretary gave to you, most of it was encoding so you were glad that you have your laptop with you. You took a deep breath, you've been typing for 2 hours now, it's nice timing that your prof wasn't present that day, you don't have to take it home with you.

Hayato came back an hour ago from their lunch, instead of disturbing you he just went to sleep beside you. You complained quietly as you felt your shoulders aching.

You decided to take a quick break, you went outside with your purse and phone to buy something from the vending machine.

Suddenly a boy from the 2nd year appeared in front of you with a plastic bag full of foods.

"G-good afternoon Y/N senpai! I bought this for you so please take it!" he said with his head slightly bowing to show some respect for you.

You looked at him wide-eyed, behind him were his friends backing him up.

"Ehh? For me?" you asked.

"y-yes" his whole face was red because of your question, he was trying so hard not to make any eye contact with you, scared of what you might have as a facial expression.

This situation's actually not new to you, since you're quite known in your school a lot of boys admire you, some chose to confess though you just reject them because you're already in love with someone.

You smiled and patted his head while getting the bag from his hands, "I see, no need to be shy, thank you for this!"

The boy and his friends were taken aback by your unbothered and kind response, as they walk away from you, you can hear them saying things such as

"Dude, she's prettier up close!"

"She gave you a head pat bro how'd you feel?!"

You chuckled and just shook your head, not knowing that someone was actually watching you.

"OHOHOHO She might melt with your intense stares don't you think, semisemi?" Satori teased his friend, they were on their way to your classroom to disturb Hayato when they saw you walking out.

"Shut up Satori." the boy hissed at his friend, still watching you get your drink on the vending machine.

"What should I get?" you asked yourself while pouting.

"This~" you jumped when a hand tapped on the strawberry milk juice on the vending machine.

You turned around to see Tendo, with his face way too close for you, blushing you looked away from him.

"Satori that idiot!" Semi muttered. Now they have no choice but to go to you since Satori was already there.

Reon just laughed at him while Ushijima, being Ushijima remained expressionless but confused.

"Uhhh...Too close-"

"Satori you're scaring the girl!"

Hearing that voice, you got more nervous than ever. Damn someone, please punch me right now, is Semi really here? 

You were scared to turn your head to the direction where his voice came from, what if he's really here? Do I need to greet him? Of course, I need to! But why are they here?

"Fuck" you can't help but curse at the idea of him being here, their classroom was actually on the other building so them being here, surprised you.

Satori laughed at your sudden cursing, your hands made their way to your mouth realizing what you just said, don't be so obvious Y/N, calm down and act normal.

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