۵𝕎𝕙𝕚𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕕 || 6۵

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"Say, Semisemi~ do you like Y/N?" Tendou with his hands cupping his own cheeks asked his friend who's sitting next to him.

Reon who's behind them listening, raised an eyebrow at Tendou "What kind of question is that? It's obvious Satori."

Ushijima who's sitting next to Reon just listened quietly, not really interested in those kinds of stuff.

"My bad~ then semi semi, since when did you have feelings for her? How long do you like her now?" He asked once again, the ash grey-haired boy.

Semi sighed at his friends not really finding a way out of this conversation. "W-Well, I-I uhmm.." he had a hard time opening up.

Reon laughed at him, "Aww he's stuttering, chill it's just us."

"I like her for a long time now, I kind of had my eyes for her since last year when they're running for the Student Council," he confessed to his friends.

Their jaws dropped, they didn't expect him to like you for a long time now since he never showed his interest in you till Hayato invited you to eat lunch with them.

It was also the first time that Semi actually liked someone, his focus was on volleyball that he doesn't even look at girls. He literally rejects everyone who confesses to him, so it's news for them.

"Wow, at this point why don't you just confess to her now?" Tendou suggested, and he shook his head violently declining.

"No! I don't want to disturb her she seems busy and not interested.." he said lowering down his head.

Reon smacked his head, "You're so dense and dumb, the girl obviously likes you she seems uneasy when it comes to you like she needs to fix herself or something, just go and date already!"

Semi blushed at the thought of you liking him, he does notice your behavior towards him. Like how you blush every time he comes closer or how you start to fidget with your fingers when you see him, but he chose to oppose his teammate's opinion.

"I don't think she likes me! She's just probably not that comfortable with me."

Classes ended and you're clearly excited since Semi's walking with you again. You quickly fixed your things and of course yourself before going out.

"Calm down Y/N, the boy can wait." Hayato said while also fixing his things. You told him about Semi walking you and of course, your great friend laughed, he couldn't bear the fact that Semi's walking you when you literally have your dorms INSIDE the school. 

You stuck your tongue out at him as your goodbye and ran off the room.

In the hallways you saw Semi leaning against the wall, his head slightly tilted, eyes closed with his hands in his pockets. That was hot.

You shook off your thought and went up to him.

"Hey.." you tapped his shoulders.

The boy slowly opened his eyes, his mind going crazy as he thinks about you tapping him on his shoulders it was a small gesture but enough to melt his heart. She's too cute. I wonder if what Reon told me is true? The boy thought.

You both started walking, his steps are big so you tried to catch up to him so you can walk by his side but you looked like you were half running so you chose to just stay behind him. Watching his back, you flushed, you imagined how toned his back must be. 

Semi noticed your actions and decided to slow down his pace.

"So? What about you and Naomi?" he brings up the topic that he asked you through text.

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