★𝕎ℍ𝕀ℙℙ𝔼𝔻 || Special Chapter★

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"Eitaaaa, give me some attention" you whined like a baby as your fiance, Semi Eita was too engrossed continuing his new song for you as much as you're excited to hear it you still didn't want him ignoring you for the whole day just to focus on it.

"Give me five more minutes baby" he requested making you groan in frustration, call it exaggerating but you're now touch-deprived.

You laid on your bed while watching him play with his electric guitar from his back, you played with your finger that has a ring on it, Semi proposed to you two years after you two got back together, both of you were already planning for your wedding and he said that before the wedding he wanted to have a concert with his band to perform the three songs that he's writing for you.

You were happy of course, happy was actually an understatement but as time goes by you're slowly getting pissed at it, it's taking him away from you.

An idea suddenly popped into your mind, it was kind of embarrassing but maybe he'll finally pay attention to you if you do it, standing up from your bed you slowly made your way to him.

You pushed one of his hands away from the guitar so you can have an opening, he confusingly looked at you but obediently followed your moves, once his body was open you sat on his laps and hugged him tightly, he laughed "You really couldn't wait huh?" he said, thinking that you only went to him for cuddles..."


Nah just a teaser😼, I'll post the whole on Christmas heh gotchu! pls wait for it! but like do y'all know the pain that I'm writing this while I'm on my period? yes, I wanna cri. 

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