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"I'm so happy right now omfg!" Hayato exaggerated as soon as you entered the classroom, you raised your middle finger flipping him off for teasing you so early in the morning.

You run your fingers through your hair feeling frustrated, how will I face him now? I hope he didn't make a big deal out of it!

As soon as you sit down, the teacher arrived. Yes, you barely made it in time, you were supposed to skip school today because you're too scared to face Semi, but you realized that meeting him today would be impossible since you're both busy and it will be more obvious if you did skip, so you decided to just attend school and act like it never happened if you ever meet him today.

Not interested in your prof, you dozed off entering your own world A.K.A daydreaming about Semi. You pondered about how his small actions make your heart skip and how he avoids making eye contact with you every time that you catch him staring at you.

Speaking of, you never understand that action of his, you feel like he's interested in you but you don't want to assume things. You're trying so hard to read him but for some reason, he's a puzzle, not a book that you can easily read.

"Why are you so hard?" you groaned, forgetting that you're still in your class.

All of your classmates looked at you in disbelief, it was the first time that they actually heard you complain about something and they are worried about it because it's math and you're the smartest in your class, your prof who was writing something on the board stopped and looked at you with a concerned face.

"Do you not understand it Y/N?" she asked.

Flustered you shook your head, "No, I'm fine please don't mind me!" you responded. She hesitantly nods and went back to writing.

Hayato was trying his best to hold his laughter, he was watching you the whole time. He knows that you'll be dozing off more now that you and Semi are progressing, so he looks for you so that you don't do something dumb.

Lunchtime came and you snapped yourself out of it, you have the intention to go to the council's office instead of having lunch so you went there to distract yourself.

You committed fully to your work that you even excused yourself for the rest of your class, the teachers accepted it since you'll be having your school's foundation day soon.

You were completely focused that you didn't notice someone enter the room.

"Well, well if it isn't the lovely Vice President." you irked when you heard that voice. Her again.

"What do you want now Naomi? You can't just enter the room without permission from any of the officers."

She scoffed at you, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow, "Then I'll just ask you"

You put down the paper that you're reading, "Get out." you replied coldly.

"Excuse me?" she asked out of disbelief.

"I said get out, I'm not allowing you, you don't have any business here do you?"

"Whatever, I heard you're actually getting close with the whole volleyball team? So one from them isn't enough huh? Or maybe you like someone there." she said completely ignoring your words, your grip on the paper tightened.

Calm down Y/N she's just here to mess with you, don't let it get to you.

Naomi's from class 3, she sees you as a rival, pest, and someone who gets in her way since she also ran as a Vice President but didn't win. She hates how you get attention without even trying, you didn't do anything special when you ran as a vice president but still won.

She's been messing with you after you won, it was okay for you at first you thought it was normal that she hates you because she wanted the position so bad but it's getting out of hand now, it's getting lame and pathetic.

"Can you like shut the fuck up? I'm trying to do my work here."

Suddenly, she grabs your paper and tore it apart. "Pay attention, when I'm talking. Look, why don't you just resign? You seem to be having a hard time. You.Don't.Deserve.That.Position." she gritted her teeth getting angry now.

It's funny how she's supposed to get you angry but it's her getting mad now, what a queen you are Y/N.

More of the reason why she hated you, you just ignore her every time as if what she's doing isn't affecting you, well to be honest it doesn't.

"Whatever, I'm out of here I'm done anyway." you pushed her aside and made your way out of the room, only to see the whole volleyball team in front of the door.

"Oh, hello Y/N, I'm looking for the president, is he inside?" Ushijima asks you.

Seriously, do they all need to talk to him? Like the whole volleyball team?

"You look pissed, what happened? Did you mess up your work or something?" Reon pointed out, you were about to answer but of course Nao-fucking-mi was there.

"Oh? She's upset? My my~ did I go too far? Did I hit the button? Which one from what I said pissed you off? That one from them isn't enough, or that you like someone from the team?" she said making your blood boil, if you aren't in school you swore you could've punched her right now.

Tendou, Ushijima, Reon, and Semi were shocked to see their classmate. In their room, Naomi's the complete opposite of what she is right now, she's sweet, bubbly, and helpful.

"What's going on? Are they close?" Tendou whispered to Semi who's just next to him. The boy just shrugged at him.

"Naomi can you just stop?" Hayato said, standing up for you.

The team awkwardly stood there watching you, you approached Naomi, held her chin up, and leaned your face close to hers "News flash, Naomi, your existence itself makes me upset so can you go now? As you can see I need to talk to them, fuck off bae."

She pushed you with an annoyed face and runs off making you sigh.

"Stop going at her so hard, take it easy the child's scared of you," Hayato commented. You just rolled your eyes at him.

You invited them to come in which they gladly accepted, they sat on the chairs while you stood at the end of the table.

"He's not here, so I'll be talking to you guys, do you have any concerns or anything?" you asked.

Tendou raised his arms not giving their captain the chance to speak.

"What's the matter between you and Naomi, Y/N-chan if you don't mind~?" you were taken aback by his question so you gave him a nervous laugh.

"Tendou, we're not here for that," Ushijima said to his teammate.

"So, we decided on what we should do for the Foundation day and we're just here to discuss it." You nodded as he continues to explain.

You talked about it for a good 30 minutes, they decided to do a play-off, so they're just basically having a match with the girls' volleyball team to show the whole school what they got. You signed the paper, agreeing on their plans.

While opening the door for them your phone vibrated.

You have 2 new messages


If you don't mind me asking, is there something wrong between you and Naomi-san? It's okay if you don't want to answer tho!

And also... can I walk you again? We don't have practice today. 

You blushed reading the last message.

"Awww Y/N senpai's blushing, are you texting with your boyfriend?" Goshiki teases you when he noticed your red ears and face.

You looked away from him, coincidentally meeting with Semi's eyes, you looked down avoiding it but you can't help but smile when you saw how red his ears were.


I'll tell you later when you walk with me..

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