Will You Merry Me?

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December 23, 2019

The unmistakable sound of a choking Yejin made Bin run from the kitchen to the living room in a split second, leaving the two mugs of hot chocolates that he prepared on the kitchen counter.

He found Yejin on the couch, holding her phone to her face as she watched one of the TVCs he filmed a few years back.

Their eyes met, and she was once again thrown into a fit of laughter

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Their eyes met, and she was once again thrown into a fit of laughter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She waved her hands in surrender. "You look so cute!"

"You got me worried there, Jagiya." For some reason, Bin chuckled nervously.

He took swift strides as he hurried back to the kitchen to get their hot chocolate. 5 minutes later, the lovers snuggled beside each other underneath the thick blanket, staring at their brightly lit Christmas Tree that reminded her of the city lights of the magnificent Seoul Skyline.

Cold palms warmed by the hot chocolates in their hands, and the winter chill easily dispelled  by the warmth of each other's body pressed against the other.

"Will you 'merry' me?" She utters out of nowhere, mimicking him, and feminine giggles filled their living room once again.

He took her hands in his, blowing air for warmth, and guided it to the pocket of his sweater.

"How about you marry me?" He asks, eyes glazed with wistfulness and love, all for the woman beside him.

She looked at him intently, and bursted into laughter once again, but she abruptly stopped when she felt something velvety touching her fingers.

Eyes and mouth formed into an "O", when she realized he wasn't kidding. "You're serious." She said, clearly stating the obvious.

Taking the box that he had been carrying for months waiting for the perfect moment to pop the question, he opened it, revealing the most perfect diamond she has ever seen.

Yejin's hands were literally shaking as she covered her mouth in shock.

"I love you," he uttered, "Will you marry me?"

He asked finally, and tears from her eyes welled forth as she nodded non-stop.

A 'marry' white Christmas indeed, he thought, as he claimed his fiancée's lips in a soul-searing kiss.

"Yes. Yes. I love you." She whispered in between kisses. "Yes. Yes."

The next morning, December 24, she woke up in bliss, as Bin's arms enveloped her waist in an embrace.

She took her phone, carefully as to not wake up her sleeping fiancé and posted a picture to show the world that he is hers, and she is his, forever.

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