Little Secret

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Yejin looks at her jampacked calendar for the rest of the week. The Negotiation was released last September 18, and Bin and Yejin will be doing a lot of press-cons and interviews to promote the film. For today, they will be guesting on an online show and will be interviewed by a local network. For tomorrow, September 25, a press conference and another interview will take place.

Yejin's phone beeped as she received a text message from Bin.

"Are you ready?" the message read, she typed, "be there in 5 minutes, Binnie" and hit send. She wrapped her scarf on her neck, wore her jacket, put on her huge shades, a face mask, and a cap.

They have been in a relationship for a few months now, and no one knows about it— not even their managers and personal assistants. They both know it's impossible to keep their relationship from their respective teams, but they just want to savor the beginning of the honeymoon stage of their relationship to themselves even for a few months.

Bin and Yejin must have had some serious ninja skills for them not to be suspected of anything by the media. They've been doing things together discreetly since they started their relationship. They got away with shopping one time, and no one also suspected anything when they went for a stroll in the park. It was a breathe of fresh air for the both of them, literally and figuratively, as both of them haven't done such trivial things for a long while now. Yejin and Bin would sport their signature disguise look. Both wearing big jackets and coats, huge shades that almost cover half of their faces, caps, and sometimes even a face mask.

That's how they cover up their tracks everytime they went out. For work events such as tapings or interviews, however, they have a unique system to get away with the suspicions of their respective teams and the production staff.

Since they have two schedules for today, Bin insisted on picking up Yejin at her place, thus explaining Yejin's outfit ensemble.

She saw Bin's car on her condominium building's basement parking, and went inside Bin's heavily tinted car. Bin is also wearing a cap and facemask, together with furry coats which has been removed.

"Wow. Good morning. You look beautiful today", Bin said, and Yejin softly hit him in the arm.

"Ya! Are you kidding me? You can't even see my face,"

"I dont need to see your face to know that you are very beautiful," Holding the steering wheel on one hand, and holding yejin's on the other, Bin was caught in surprise when she removed her mask, and pulled him for a long sweet kiss on the lips.


It was early in the morning, but Bin's windshield made it look like twilight.

They arrived at the building of the studio 30 minutes before their calltime. Ninja Yejin and Ninja Bin now begins what they like to call their own version of "undercover operation".

Yejin went out of the car, taking the back entrance of the building while Bin goes to the parking lot. She went straight to the women's bathroom on the 2nd floor, removed her shades, scarf, mask, and scarf. She put on a casual dress that she brought, tied her hair, and applied a pink lipstick. She then went to her designated dressing room where her glam team was waiting for her.

Yejin could only sigh in relief when no one noticed anything.

Bin, on the other hand, parked his car in the basement. After waiting for almost thirty minutes, he went to his dressing room, where his team hurriedly "fixed" him up.

The studio was full of production staff. Bin saw his girlfriend when he got inside.

"Good morning Yejin-ssi," Bin formally greeted Yejin, making sure that their managers and team heard how they formal they are with each other.

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