The 6th Date

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"You have foam on your lips, Yejin.."

Bin smiled innocently at his gorgeous date as he points to his own upper lip, showing her the part where the foam taints her beautiful lips.

"You know that won't work on me, Kim Joo
Won," She smirked at Bin as she licks her lip to remove the coffee foam. 

Bin laughs in embarrassment, "I dont mean it that way, Yejin." Amazed that she knew the reference, he asks, "How do you know that one?"

"Who doesn't, Binnie? I watched Secret Garden, you know."

Bin suddenly remembered all the crazy things he has done for SeGa, and knowing that the woman he's trying to impress saw how he screamed like a girl and how he wore a bra for the drama, he can only scratch the back of his ear.

"It was one of my favorite dramas, Binnie. You made me laugh every single time," she admitted, making Bin speechless, and his lips formed into a smile.

They have been going exclusively on dates for 4 months now. For their sixth date, Bin asked Yejin to watch a movie with him. Reluctant at first because of the increased prying eyes of the media, she practically said 'fuck this!' and went out on a date with him. Afterall, she really enjoys Bin's company. He makes her giddy about the little things in life, and most especially, he makes her feel butterflies—something she hasn't felt in a while.

Before going to the movies, Bin and Yejin shared a romantic dinner in a restaurant called Bicena, situated at the 81st floor of the Lotte World Tower in Seoul. As expected, Bin made Yejin smile a lot during their dinner. He was the perfect gentleman. Yejin, being the very observant one, noticed that as their dates progress, Bin opens up little by little, exposing a side of himself unknown to everyone else. Yejin saw how Bin talk about his childhood dreams, hobbies, and passions— sharing the details as if he's sharing a piece of himself to her.

Yejin felt a tug in her heart.
Uh-oh, she thought.

After dinner, Bin brought Yejin to watch a movie. Much to her surprise, there's no one else inside the cinema.

Yejin is starting to think that the movie that they will be watching is a flop, and she made a mental note to text the lead actress who happens to be her close friend.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Bin said, "I know you value your privacy so much.. So I rented this out. We have the cinema all to ourselves."

"MR. CEO!" She teased Bin as they walked toward the seats, "But kidding aside, thank you Bin-ssi."

"Anything for you, Yejin-ssi."

Yejin suddenly realizes how they still call each other so formally. They have been regularly texting and calling each other for the past 4 months, practically talking to each other everyday. It's about time.

"Yejin," she said, earning a confused stare from the handsome man beside her, "Call me Yejin... and I'll call you Binnie."

She gave the most sincere smile she could ever muster, as if giving him an assurance that something between them has changed— something turned into something beautiful.

Bin knew. He didn't knew exactly what it was. But he knew.

"Call me Binnie, and I'll call you Jinnie", he said jokingly. He laughed as Yejin hits him, obviously hating the nickname he just baptized her with.

"Yaa! Dont dare."


Yejin was wearing a satin dress. It wasn't THAT cold in Seoul during this time of the year, but she still brought her coat just in case she gets cold. Prime example is when she is in the cinema, with full blast air conditioning, with no one else inside to absorb the cold beside her and her date.

She moves around her seat to look for her coat to no avail. She even looked at the floor in case she dropped the coat, but it still wasn't there.

She literally shivered when she remembered leaving the coat inside Bin's car.

Noticing her date's uneasiness, he became aware that Yejin is cold. Being the gentleman that he is, he started removing his own coat off him and was about to offer it to Yejin.

She stopped him midway and said, "you'll get cold too, Binnie." She said as she looked at him, "Let's just share.... if its okay."

Thank Heavens he always use a coat one size larger for him.

"Of course," he replied as he removed the armrest, the only barrier between the two, and extended his coat to Yejin.

The woman nestled herself inside the coat, enjoying the body heat provided by the man beside her. Silence enveloped both of them.

Bin thought Yejin is too engrossed with what she's watching, but she is really occupied trying to figure out whose heart was beating too fast: Bin's or hers. She smiled as she realized its both.

Yejin also thought that Bin is watching the movie intently. Truth be told, he can't focus knowing Yejin is too close to him. Inhaling the smell of Yejin's hair, he realized that from then on, the fragrance of Lavenders became his favorite scent in the world.

For what its worth, neither of them fully understood the movie.


It came as no surprise that Bin drove Yejin home. Being the ever gentleman, that's definitely a given.

What surprised the both of them is when Yejin invited Bin in her apartment for a cup of coffee.

"Do you want to come inside for a cup of coffee, Binnie?"

Yejin didn't need to ask twice.

She recently became interested in experimenting different coffee recipes. She had an orientation and mini-trainings for making coffee as part of her preparation on her upcoming role. She eventually fell in love with the idea of mixing ingredients to make the perfect cup of coffee— and that's what she said to Bin as they were making their way to her apartment. He wanted to show Bin how great her Cappuccino is.

And that's how Binnie and Jinnie ended up at her apartment at 11:00 PM, sipping cappuccino in Yejin's living room.

After the unfortunate (and kinda embarrassing) foam-in-the-lip incident, Yejin and Bin found themselves pumped up with caffeine. They resorted to watching documentaries because neither of them wants to wrap the day just yet, as each one can't seem to get enough of the other.

They both know that the documentary is just running in the background. Both of them can't seem to find the concentration to comprehend the documentary as they are enjoying each other's company. They were talking about everything there is to talk about. Everything under the sun.

Bin has been mustering the courage to hold her hand while they talk. When he stared at her eyes while she tells him a random story of how she got suspended in high school, he felt warmth in his heart, and it just told him to just go for it.

And so he did.

"You're gorgeous, Yejin." He said as he intertwined Yejin's fingers with his, holding her hand like his life depended on it. "You're amazing. I dont know what else to do, because I think I'm in love with you."

Foam or no foam, she didn't look for any excuses
or signs.

She just went for it too and kissed him.

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