Eomoni's birthday

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Bin held Yejin's hand while entering his childhood home. She was still nervous despite having met his family for a few times—They have shared few dinners in different restaurants. This time is different though, because it's his mom's birthday.

"Happy birthday, eomeoni!" Bin hugged his mom and kissed her on the cheek. Yejin, still behind him, gave her a wrapped box.

"Happy birthday, Mrs. Kim." She said awkwardly, handing her a wrapped box containing a scarf, which she personally handpicked for her. Bin's mom pulled her to an embrace, looking excited to see her. "Yejin-ah! I'm glad you came!"

Yejin couldn't hide the smile on her lips as Bin's family warmly welcomed her. His dad also greeted her and asked how she's been this past few months. Yejin can feel Bin's frame behind her as he whispered, "I told you already baby, they love you."

His mom guided them into the dining table, where a feast has been prepared. Bin's older brother guided the wheelchair in the dining room, and Yejin saw Bin's 93-year-old grandmother, still looking beautiful as the pictures of her in her youth displayed in the living room.

"You look good, halmoni (grandmother), how are you?" Bin went to her and gave a kiss on her cheek.

"The good genes run in the family," Yejin remarked shyly, as she hugs Bin's grandmother with care.

Before eating, they sang a happy birthday song for Bin's mother, led by his adorable nieces.

"Yejin-ah, eat a lot of food, okay?" Bin's mother told Bin to pass her the noodles and the chicken.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim," Yejin said as she took a bite of the chicken, "wow, your cooking is really good, Mrs. Kim."

"Ya... Call me eomoni," Yejin was so startled by  what she said, she couldnt even chew the chicken in her mouth. "You're part of the family now, Yejin-ah."

Yejin wanted to bawl her eyes out, saying she was touched by what Bin's mother said is an understatement. I guess being accepted as a part of your family's boyfriend really hits you right on your heart.

She responded with her sweetest smile, "Thank you, eomoni."

Bin held her hand under the table, knowing well that her worries were eased. Despite numerous convincing from Bin that his family loves her— maybe even more than they love him, she still needed to feel it first hand. Right now, Yejin looks like she's going to cry.

The family went on to their dinner, talking and updating about everything that has been going on with their lives: how the business of Bin's brother is booming and will open another branch in Busan, how the adorable nieces received an award in art, how Bin's parents are traveling around Korea enjoying his father's retirement, how Bin's grandma's annual check-up cleared her of any disease (She also revealed her secret to being healthy: brown rice, and Yejin made a mental note to include that in her diet), or how Bin's mother have been enjoying her newfound hobby— knitting.

"Tae-Pyung," Bin's grandmother called to him.

"Yes, halmoni?" Bin wiped his mouth with a table napkin as he face his grandmother, and he held Yejin's hand under the table.

"So when are you going to give me a great-grandchild?"

Losing all her poise, Yejin choked on the kimchi on her mouth. Apologizing intently, she gulped a whole glass of water in front of her, making everyone in the table laugh.

"Eomoni, Tae-Pyung isn't even married yet", Bin's father reminded her grandmother, to which she replied, "how old are you, Tae Pyung?"

"39, halmoni."

"How about you, Yejin-ah?"

"I'm also 39 years old, halmoni," Bin's grasp on her hand tightened, as if assuring that he's just there by her side.

"That's old enough, Tae-Pyung. When are you going to marry this beautiful woman beside you?"

Bin stopped for a moment, but Yejin felt like it was forever. He intertwined her fingers into his, "Soon, halmoni. I'm gonna marry her soon."

"I'm not getting any younger, Tae-Pyung," her grandmother said, sipping tea from her cup, "I just want to see be a father. I want to see your little babies running around the house,"

Bin's mother and father nodded in agreement.

Maybe parents and grandparents pressuring you to get married and have little babies is a universal thing, Yejin thought to herself, remembering how her mother also nagged her about this topic. Yejin is deep in her thoughts when she heard him say something.

"Actually... Yejin's pregnant."

Everyone in the room fell silent and looked shocked.


Bin just held Yejin's hand under the table while she struggles to let it free. Using her other hand, she hit Bin's thigh repeatedly. As he whispered to his ear, "Hey! I'm not pregnant. Binnie! I'm not pregnant!"

Yejin can see the delighted reaction of everyone in the room, congratulating them for the imaginary baby in Yejin's womb.

"Binnie! What are you saying? I'm not pregnant! Ya!" Yejin said to Bin, still whispering so his family wouldn't hear her.

"Just play along, Baby." Bin said, smirking at his girlfriend.

"What do you mean play along?! Do you think they wouldn't actually look for a baby in 9 months?"

Bin laughed at her panicking girlfriend, "Relax, Baby! I'm gonna tell them later, don't worry."

Yejin just stepped on Bin's feet. Hard.
Yeah, he deserved that.

As Bin told everyone he's just kidding and there's no really baby on the way, Bin felt his pocket become heavy. He's been holding on to this ring for almost a month now, waiting for just the right moment to pop the question.

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