Merry Christmas

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This one-shot is dedicated to user forsonyejin in twitter. Hi, L. I'm your elf! I hope you like this one shot. ❤️ Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!



In the stillness of the night, the movement of the mattress they shared roused Bin out of his slumber. With half lidded eyes he saw how Yejin shifted her position to move closer to him, facing in his direction as she unconsciously snuggled her head on the crook of his neck.

"I love you.." she whispered. Her arms snaked his torso while her leg positioned itself atop his. Out of habit, Bin's arms enveloped her into a tight embrace, lightly tapping her on the expanse of her back rhythmically to the beat of his heart. He kissed her forehead, before saying he loves her too, more than anyone has ever loved anyone in this world.

The shirt he's wearing tightened, and he figured it's because she fisted the material with her hand.. as if she was afraid he'd go anywhere.

Then he opened his eyes almost instantly, shaking every remnant of sleep in his system because he realized something was wrong.

He marveled at how peaceful she looked in her slumber. Her beauty shone, illuminating the space they were in despite the darkness of the room. But he caught the faint tremble of her lips after a few minutes, the furrowing of her eyebrows, as if battling an inner turmoil in her dreams. Suspicions were confirmed after he placed a palm on his wife's forehead.

She was always warm, Bin thought. She always takes his cold hands and wraps them in hers, but now Bin is certain that this wasn't the natural warmth that oozes out of his wife. Straightening in concern, his palm checked her cheeks, neck, and slid his hand up and down along her arm to create friction and warmth.

"Baby, you're burning." he whispered in his low, worry-lidden voice.

"Mmm." she managed to utter, completely oblivious to what he was really saying. Her sleepy mind, coupled with the physical uneasiness she's feeling, caused her inability to distinguish that
her husband's voice was not from the dream that she made her temporary reality.

Slowly, he retracted himself out of her embrace, slowly and gently placed her arms on her side. Yet the slightest movement stirred her half awake, mind still slightly confused, eyes still closed as consciousness slowly downed her. "Where are you going?" she asked, voice breaking.

"Baby." He whispered in her ear, "Baby, I'll be back."

She opened her eyes, partially confused as she realized she had been dreaming, before nodding continuously before him. Her head throbbed, and Bin led her to lean on the soft pillows the moment he heard her wince in pain.

"I'll be back, baby."

The familiarity of his voice and his light kiss on her cheek easily lulled her to sleep, and before Bin could even reach the kitchen to prepare a cold, damp towel for his wife, sleep claimed her again.


A dull ache in her back was the first thing she felt the moment she woke up; Then the damp sensation all over her body, particularly in her neck, forehead, and limbs; Then her husband's arms wrapping her lithe body underneath the soft and thick duvet.

The warmth. The warmth is good.

She peered at him, and he instantly opened his eyes. The sight of her, devoid of any indicators that she's feeling any pain, made him smile. "You're awake."

His palms landed on her forehead again to check her temperature. Still warm, but compared to last night she was actually recovering pretty well.

"Good mor--" A sneeze came right after, cutting her. It was a good thing she turned her head to the side, or she would have sneezed right in front of her husband's face. "Oh! I'm sorry..." She said, her voice taking a nasally tone as she sniffled afterwards. "What time is it?"

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