Yejinhand liked your photo

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She stared at her ceiling, trying to count how many petals does the flower in her chandelier have.

She felt the weight of his arms on her waist as he clutched her towards his body. With her back against his, she can feel his breath on her bare shoulder making tickling sensations against her skin.

Its almost midnight and she can't sleep, no matter how tired she was. She took her phone underneath her pillow, the brightness of which almost instantly blinding her.

She turned her head at the sleeping man beside him, checking if the light from her phone roused him from his deep sleep.

No sign of him waking up. Good.

Lowering the brightness of her phone, she browsed through it, trying to find something to do. She opened Netflix, instantly pressing on the "Continue Watching..." button of her favorite cooking show. Not realizing that her volume is on max, the show's intro blasted through her phone's speakers very loudly. She immediately closed it, and checked again if the loud noise woke him up.

She remained motionless under his touch, primarily avoiding unnecessary movement that will wake him up. She can't see him, but from the faint snores coming out of him, it was evident he was deep in slumber.

She opened her another app— Instagram. She browsed through the posts for minutes, until she became bored scrolling though photos of coffee and food.

Going through her profile, she accidentally slid her finger to the left, shifting her feed to her tagged posts — something she is not familiar with until now.

She saw a variety of photos— some of hers, some of her with Jung Hae-In Dongsaeng, and some of her with this man spooning her.

She hasn't seen this photos before. She remembered posing for the camera but never getting the chance to take a peak.

"This is cute." She uttered as she took a
screenshot of the photo. Amused, she clicked the ❤️ button on the bottom left part, not even aware the double tapping the photo would do the same thing.

She liked several more, including one that dated back to 2018. As far as she can remember, this was captured when they were on their way to the screening of their movie The Negotiation, or was it a press conference? She could not remember.

She saw more, and she stumbled upon an account dedicated to the her and him, bearing the username with their couple name: BinJin.

Seeing several "evidences" that the both of them are dating, she could not help but giggle at how eagle-eyed their beloved supporters are. Citing proofs of how both of them stole glances of each other, or how he attentively observed her steps to the stage, or how she got into a van allegedly owned by VAST.

All true, of course— But she didn't need to confirm that.

"We really look great together." A low voice behind her said, making her jolt. She turned to him, surprised that he was awake as well.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, no."

Putting the phone to where it was previously located, she changed positions— one that could allow her to snuggle perfectly against his chest.

"Then why are you awake?"

"My sub conscious told me that you still are." she laughed, remembering earlier how his snores gave it  away.

He put an arm around her and started caressing her back softly.

"Let's sleep now?" Asked he, eyes drowsy.

She nodded.



A habitual kiss on the lips ended their half-awake conversation.

She closed her eyes, letting the combination of his warmth, his scent, and his caresses lull her to sleep.

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