Of Plans and Dreams

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A faint cry echoed through the baby monitor that woke Yejin up. She looked at Bin still sleeping soundly beside her as she stood up to go next room.

When she got into the room, she checked the baby's diaper, and gave her bottle of milk. The precious little thing consumed her bottle and cried again afterwards.

"What's wrong with you Baby.. Why are you crying?" She asks the little one in baby talk as she held the baby in her arms, "you can't sleep, can you?"

"You're already full, you gulped an entire bottle of your milk in ten minutes, pretty one. Yes, you did." She continuously talked to the precious baby she's cradling in her arms, "why are you so beautiful? Where did you get that genes?"

"Surely from your side of the family," A familiar bedroom voice uttered, startling Yejin. There she saw a handsome man with a white v-neck shirt and boxer shorts approaching her and she can't help but smile.

"Did we wake you up, Binnie?" she said as he kissed her in the lips and the little baby in the head.

"Not really, Baby. I was supposed to hug my beautiful woman when I noticed the bed empty," he explained.

"Sorry about that," she said, still cradling the crying baby in her arms, "Baby Reena can't seem to fall asleep."

"Maybe she misses her eomma and appa," Bin said as he signaled Yejin to give him Baby Reena.

Yejin remembered how her Unnie looks so exhausted when they met. Taking care of a toddler Sofia and an infant Reena must have taken a toll on her sister. She volunteered on taking care of Reena for 2 days, and their mother took Sofia, so her sister and her husband can take some alone time off.

"I guess so, but Unnie needs her rest too," Yejin turned into Baby Reena, "Do you miss your Eomeoni, Baby? Don't you like being with Aunt Yejin?"

The baby immediately stopped crying as Bin held her in one arm, the other caressing the baby's head.
Yejin said in disbelief, "I've been cradling Reena for twenty minutes now, and she stopped crying the minute you held her?"

"I can't blame the little girl though." Yejin teased as she laid her head in Bin's shoulders, "I feel all sort of things when you're holding me too,"

Bin softly laughed at Yejin's remark and motioned her to keep quiet, "Baby, Reena's sleeping."

Yejin rolled her eyes at Bin, jealous of her boyfriend who clearly has a natural parental instinct.

Bin gently laid baby Reena on her crib, careful enought not to wake the little girl up. When they saw Reena sleeping soundly, Yejin tugged Bin's arms towards the door into their own room.

"Can we stay here for a bit, Baby?" Bin asked Yejin. Confused why, she still agreed. Yejin sat in the sofa and Bin rests his head on her legs. 

"I love you," Yejin said as she bent down to kiss his boyfriend in the lips.

"I love you," Bin replied, pulling her girlfriend for another quick kiss.

"Aren't you sleepy, Binnie? Your schedule today was crazy," Yejin said as she brushes her fingers in his hair, one of her favorite things to do in the world.

Bin replied with his eyes closed, "I want to just be here with you, Baby."

They were silent for good 10 minutes, and Yejin thought that Bin fell asleep when he suddenly said, "I'm so happy right now, Baby."

Yejin saw how Bin still kept his eyes closed, but noticed his sweet smile as he continued, "I was really exhausted earlier, but the first thing I saw when I entered our home was you holding a seated Reena on your lap, and you made her hand make this very tiny and cute little wave, and you're sitting there smiling at me," Bin said.

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