Appa Binnie

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Five faces leaned against the nursery room window. If the on-duty nurse would describe them, she would say their eyes basically turned into little hearts ever since the baby was wheeled into the nursery, and that was one hour ago.

"He's so handsome, no?" Yejin's mother said.

"I know, I could stare at him all day," Bin's mother replied.

The couple's fathers were silent, but both were in bliss on the birth of their first grandson.

"That nose, that cute little lips, Daewon will surely be a heartbreaker. What a handsome boy, Aigoo.." Bin's father said. 

"I know Abeoji, we made that!" Bin proudly said as he grins to his father, raising his fists triumphantly.

Yejin's father just stared at him. Bin, realizing what he just said, immediately took it back, "I'm just kidding, Sir.. Abeoji."

Laughter just filled the nursery waiting room. His father-in-law just gave him a smile and a pat on the back.

A few minutes later, the nursery staff informed Bin that bonding with their parents are good for infants, so Daewon will stay in their hospital suite. She also added that the baby needs to be breastfed by his mother.


Yejin abruptly opened her eyes five hours later, looking at her surroundings. Seeing that she's already back in their hospital suite, she asked, "Where's my Daewon?"

"We're here, Baby." A voice from her left said. Bin turned to her, holding their precious baby in his arms.

Yejin cried, "Omoooo..." Yejin immediately wiped her tears and asked for their child, "I want to hold him, Binnie."

Giving in to her pleas, Bin carefully passed Daewon to Yejin. Yejin's tears ran through her cheeks some more, which concerned Bin, "Baby, are you okay?"

Yejin nodded, "I just can't help but cry.." caressing her baby's head, she continued, "I labored for almost 12 hours, Binnie.... And seeing his nose, his lips, even the shape of his face.. He came out looking exactly like you", Yejin shot Bin an evil stare.

"That's not true baby!" Bin panicked, just casually saying the first thing that got into his mind, "He got your eyes!"

"Are you kidding me, Binnie? How would you know that when he hasn't opened his eyes yet!"

"I'm sorry! What can I do?" Bin just bursts out laughing, "Don't worry baby. I think he got your.... Your...Your arms...?"

"Come here and I'll smack you in the face!"

Obviously making light of the situation, Bin just teased Yejin some more, "If you want, let's keep trying until we have one that looks like you,"

Yejin just laughed and threw a pillow at her Binnie.

It was a picture perfect moment. Mommy Jinnie and Daddy Binnie exchanging funny banter, laughing while theyre at it, but careful enough not to wake the peaceful Daewon sleeping in mommy's arms.

It can't be anymore perfect.


Bin nodded off in the sofa in an adorable fetus-like position, trying to fit his big masculine frame in the two-seater sofa. He hasn't slept since last night, and exhaustion must have probably gotten into him already.

Yejin stared at her husband's angelic face and started talking to the baby in her arms, "I know you can't open your eyes just yet baby, but your father has the most handsome face in Korea! And you look exactly as he is, love!"

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