Black Cabinet

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It is a lazy Saturday morning and Bin just got off the shower. Roaming his apartment with only a towel draped in his waist, he thoroughly searches his dresser for a pair of clean shorts. He shuffled through different cabinets and drawers, but he still can't find one pair of shorts.

'Aigoo, I am an actor. How could i run out of clothing?' he thought to himself. He realized that he hasn't done laundry for a few weeks, and when his manager offered to send someone to do it, he refused because Yejin will be coming over. Not only that, but almost every boxer shorts he own are in Yejin's apartment.

3 weeks ago (Yejin's apartment)

"I have a surprise for you," Yejin said when he sees him open his eyes partially. He was still half-asleep, but when he sees his girlfriend's beautiful smile, drowsiness immediately left his body.

He pulled her girlfriend into a warm embrace and in return, Yejin showered him with little kisses all over his face.

"Do you know its dangerous to have a beautiful face like that?" He asked Yejin while they're still locked in a sweet embrace, "Because I would everyday choose to be here cuddling with you than do literally anything else. You know that VAST needs their CEO, right?"

Yejin chuckled at his boyfriend and straddled him. Before his boyfriend gets any ideas, she playfully said, "you won't be able to go anywhere else even if you wanted to, Binnie. My legs are holding you prisoner," She put more weight to him and released a fake evil laugh which made Bin giggle. "You're stuck here forever!", she added.

With Bin's one swift move, Yejin found herself back in his embrace.

"I dont mind, Baby. Keep me here forever." Bin said as he planted a kiss in her forehead.

The couple was in a state of bliss. They knew they love each other more than anything in this world, and nothing else matters. They stayed wrapped up in each other's arms for another 30 minutes before Bin remembers what Yejin said earlier.

"You were saying you have a surprise for me, Baby?" Bin said. Yejin immediately stood up and said, "Yes! I almost forgot. Let's go, Binnie." She went on to his side of the bed, grabbed his hand, and dragged him to her living room.

Bin saw a neatly wrapped big box coupled with a red ribbon. The box is almost as tall as him. He immediately unwrapped the gift, looking like a very giddy boy in Christmas morning.

When he opened the box, he saw a black cabinet. He gave his Yejin the sweetest smile, as he received the best gift in the world. "It came this morning when you were asleep," she said.

Unable to say anything else, he went to his girlfriend to kiss her passionately.

Yejin knew how her little gift made Bin happy. The cabinet represented how they are moving to the next step of their relationship. It was a sensitive topic for Yejin, and she remembered all the times Bin casually brought things like that in their conversations, but she just acted stupid and pretended not to know what he's talking about. It started when he gave her a key to his apartment, or how Bin has emptied out a full-sized cabinet in his apartment for her stuff, or even as trivial as leaving his toothbrush in her place.

Yejin mentally scold herself for acting like that. "I was just afraid to fall in love too much again and get hurt," she used to tell herself, but she realized how lucky she is for Bin, and how he's ready to give everything just to be with her.

It took her two weeks to get herself together, and when she did, Yejin went shopping for a cabinet. It was a leap of faith for the both of them, and she is beyond happy that she took it.

The couple rearranged her walk-in closet, making a space for Bin's black cabinet.

After the cabinet was put into place, Bin noticed that Yejin used the red ribbon as a headband.

"I think I like this gift more," Bin said as he approached Yejin. The couple shared a passionate kiss once again, now against Bin's black cabinet.

(End of flashback)


Spacing out in his bed, he laughed at the thought that he has nothing left to wear because he got excited and brought all his remaining shorts at Yejin's place.

"Binnie? Baby?" Yejin called out to Bin.

It has become their little tradition that if they both dont have schedules for the day, they would spend the whole day at either of their places. For this Saturday, Yejin is supposed to spend time at Bin's apartment, and since she already has a key to his place, she just went inside- not bothering to knock at the door.

"Bedroom, Baby!" Bin replied, still looking defeated sitting on his bed with only a towel on.

Yejin saw his boyfriend and failed at keeping her laughter from escaping, "What happened to you, Binnie?" She is still laughing as he sports his sulking face to his girlfriend. She also noticed how his cabinet and dresser has been ransacked.

"Half of the shorts I own are dirty, and half of it is in your place." He said as he extend his arms to greet her, and she went willingly and sat on his lap.

"Awwww, Binnie!" she said, still trying to hold back her laughter. After Yejin gave him a peck on his lips, she quickly went to his dresser to search for something.

"I already did tha—-" Bin stopped mid-sentence as Yejin raises a pair of shorts she saw in his dresser.

Bin could not believe that what he has been searching for in 20 minutes, she found in less than two.

"By any chance, are you a magician too, Baby?" He asks while hugging her from behind. "What would you like for breakfast baby? I'm cooking."

"I'd like some pancakes Binnie," she said to him while displaying her puppy dog eyes. 

Sure, pancakes are great, but she doesn't like pancakes as much as she portrays she does. However, pancakes are the only thing Bin can cook decently and with confidence. And seeing Bin looking all happy that she requested for his "specialty dish", Pancakes might as well become her favorite food in the world.


While Bin is cooking, Yejin looked around his boyfriend's bedroom. He almost turned his dressers upside down while he was looking something to wear, and the mess on the floor and on the bed are the evidence.

Yejin neatly folds everything, hanging his outside clothes that has been folded, putting everything back into its proper place, and even arranged his clothes to categories. She also fed Bin's dirty laundry in his automatic washing machine.

When she went to his bathroom, she saw how Bin arranged their stuff. One side contains his facial cleanser, shaving cream, and shaver. On the other lies her moisturizer, cleanser, essence, and serum. There are two toothbrushes in the middle: his and hers.

An overwhelming feeling of happiness enveloped her heart, and she immediately knew what she wants right at this very moment, and for the rest of her life.

She looked at her boyfriend in the kitchen as he flip pancakes by pancakes, and she realizes there's nothing else she wants in this world than the man holding plates of pancakes before her eyes.

"Come on, Baby. Let's eat." Bin said as Yejin sat on her usual seat in Bin's dining room.

"Let's move in together," Yejin said casually while slicing her pancake.

Bin dropped his fork in surprise. What Yejin said left him speechless and unable to react. He looked at his girlfriend wide-eyed and mouth agape.

After a few seconds, Bin ran as fast as he could to get his luggage. She can't help but laugh at his boyfriend running frantically around the apartment looking helpless trying to find his luggage.

"Let's go now!" Bin said as he is smiling triumphantly holding his empty luggage, all ready to pack his stuff.

"YAAA, Binnie! I don't mean right now!" She said, trying and failing to calm his boyfriend.

"Kim Tae-Pyung! Ya! Stop rummaging through your drawers! I just finished folding that!"

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