Chapter 68

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C H A P T E R  6 8

The letter that the siblings received the next day separately, released the tension and stress in their bodies.

Their father was well.

There was no need to panic.

And yet, both of them knew that they shouldn't just let it be.

The end of the year came and exams were passed, Victoria was packing the last of her belongings for their departure the next day.

"V?" She looked up from the last of her books being tucked into her rucksack.

Jullienne stood by the end of her bed, a hand loosely holding on to the bedpost. Both of them were already dressed for bed, a silence between the girls was ensued earlier with only the scuffles of their slippers and their rummaging the only noise to be heard.

Victoria looked at her friend in confusion, what did Jullienne need?

"Are you going to be okay?" Worry was evident in Jullienne's voice, her eyes scanning Victoria's face.

She understands Jullienne's concern, Victoria knows where this is going and she knows that no matter the reassurance Jullienne will know how she will be.

"I'll make it through, Jullie. I've been doing so for the past years, I'll make it through this one too." The words were different from what her normal answer would be. Oftentimes, when Jullienne asks her, Victoria would brush the worry off with 'it'll be fine' and change the topic completely.

She smiled softly, hoping it conveys the message she couldn't put into words.

Jullienne looked at her, the soft worry in her eyes ever present still. But, instead of making another declaration of concern towards her friend— Jullienne hugged Victoria.

"You'll be fine, yeah?" It was a question of assurance. Victoria would be offended but she's well aware of her tendencies. She knows why Jullienne is feeling this way.

"I'll be fine." And that was a promise.

A promise to Jullienne, a promise to her self that she will do whatever it takes to keep the voices out.

She almost made it, she almost had them gone.

She can do it again.

Because, that's the only thing she can do for now. To try and try again, until they stop. Until they give up.

She needs to keep on living, she did promise her mother that.

And she went to bed with that thought. That no matter what happens, she's not going to give up. Things are going to get harder, everything is going to change from now on. But, she's going to make it.

She will make it. She needs to make it.

The next day the entire train ride felt different, sure the usual games were played and banter between the three plus Blaise— yeah, it just kind of happened (not really, Jullienne and her boyfriend decided to break up. apparently, both of them don't feel the same way they did before and came to the conclusion to just become friends).

The train ride flew by and without the four realizing, they were already slowing down for the platform.

They silently got their luggage, and waited for the others to get off before joining the throng on the platform.

"I'll see you around?" Jullienne tells her friends after spotting her parents waving a couple of meters away from them.

"See you, Jullienne." Thunder gives her a bear hug, because he just does that and messed her hair which earned him a slap on the arm and a glare.

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