Chapter 25

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A silence had befell upon the Great Hall, once everyone had finished their dinner.

I paid no attention to whatever Dumbledore was rambling on about. Instead, I took out a novel that I had shrunk in order to fit it inside the pocket of my robes.

"Engorgio." I whispered tapping the book with my wand.

"Miss Perigrine's Home For Peculiar Children?" Said a voice from my left, the voice I expected least to whisper in my ear.

"What's that all about?" Draco Malfoy whispered to me.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Are you talking to me?" I turned to look at him, my left index finger pointing to my chest.

"Uh, is there any other person who's holding the said book here?" He shot, gesturing to the table.

I shook my head.

"Well, I'm sorry because last time I checked. We weren't even in talking terms." I said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Okay, I know we've had that bad blood since Christmas holidays first-year, but come on. We're already fourteen! I think it was more likely of a childish banter, and I want to clear things with you, y'know. Trying to be civil." He shrugged, nonchalantly.

I looked at him with my calculative eyes. He rose his hands as if in surrender.

"Why would you do this. What exactly do you possibly could get being acquaintances with me?" I asked him, my eyes trained on his steely-gray ones.

"Nothing, exactly. That's why there's nothing for you not to be bloody civil with me, right?" He said hope clear in his eyes.

"Not until you apologize." I said stubbornly, crossing my arms under my chest.

He sighed.

"Okay, I'm sorry." He said earnestly.

"Not enough, you have to say, "I'm sorry, Victoria. I swear if I do something idiotic, I would let you beat me into pulp." Or else no agreement will take place." I smirked.

"Wait, what?" He looked at me incredulously.

"I'm serious. Or just forget about us being civil with each other." I answered, feigning boredom.

"Okay, fine," he huffed. "I'm sorry, Victoria. I swear that if I do something idiotic, I'd have let you beat me into pulp." He said, his voice dripping in sarcasm.

"Oh really?" I said and smacked him at the head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He said, looking at me like I was mad.

"Well, you sounded like an idiot." I shrugged.

I was quite aware that Dumbledore was still standing saying something probably about the tournament but, I'm completely blocking it out. Its not like I'm going nor allowed to join the competition.

I only had my attention to the platinum haired guy who was currently rubbing his head at the spot where I smacked him with my book.

"Really? That was your excuse? I sounded like an idiot? You really should be aware that if you continue smacking me in the head like that, I might end up getting in a comatose." He nagged, I merely smirked.

"Besides your as strong as a fucking beater!" He said, waving his hands in the air, trying to prove his point.

"I never knew that a beater who's going at it is as strong as me. It makes me wonder now how exactly strong they are." I humored, with the effect of putting my index finger at my chin, as if I was thinking.

Draco flushed in embarrasment due to his choice of words.

"That's not what I meant, besides that's not my point, my point is you hit like a man and the fact that you're small makes me wonder where you get such strength." He said, as if he was teaching me that one plus one equals two.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes tired of this stupid banter.

I opened my book once again, I hadn't noticed that I had even closed and laid by my lap.

"You still haven't answered my question, though." He pointed out.

"Which was?" I said, not taking my eyes from the paragraph.

"What's that all about?" He asked.

"Uh, its all about a guy who, back then in his childhood days, was constantly with his grandfather that has been telling him different stories about children who are peculiar, some are invisible, some can see the future through his dreams, there's a little six-year-old who can carry things that are thrice her size. When his grandfather died a horrific death that he had to see, he was quite curious about all of the stories that was long buried in his brain. He starts to look for the home where these peculiar children lived -just like where his grandfather told him-, basically it was like him discovering himself, who and what he and his grandfather was, along the way he's about to venture." I shrugged nonchalantly, I was already at the end of the first book and am yet to read the other two.

"Oh." Draco said, I could see it clearly in his eyes that he was still confused.

"You know what, why don't you read the story yourself? I'll lend it to you after I read it." I offered at the puzzled boy beside me.

"Oh, okay." He smiled.

Damn, I never noticed this but he really looks good with that smile on his face and not his usual sneer.

"Sure thing." I shrugged and continued on reading with the book. Just a few pages now.

Exactly when I was able to finish the last page, everyone had rose to their seats and started piling out of the Great Hall.

I closed my book and looked to my left and found Draco getting up to his feet. I stood up and shove the book to him. He looked at me as if asking for permission, I nodded and turned around.

"Oh, Draco?" I called, making the blond look up from the book in his hands.

"Please make sure that there's nothing as much as a crease nor fold on that book, or else I'll have to murder you." I smirked and jogged towards Thunder and Julliene.

I found it quite odd that I was able to forgive the git that easily, maybe it was just me in a good mood that I hadn't shouted at him to just fuck off and to never talk to me again, and that after all those years he just come up to me and wants to be acquiantances.

Once I entered the confinement of my shared room with Julliene, I quickly changed into my pj's and tucked myself to bed.

And without hesitation this time, sleep had taken me.


Oui, oui, monamie, j'e mapelle, La Fayette.

Just kidding, anyway. Have you guys read MPHFPC? I know the movie came out already like years ago. Well not really that long. Two years maybe? Anyway, we really got freaking excited back then(me and mah bestfriends) when we heard about the movie since, we've really the book and all.

So yeah I'm rambling, btw, I really hope that you guys enjoyed this shitty chapter but, hey, at least there's progress, och, aye?

Anyhow, Vote, Comment, and peace out ✌

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